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Stephen Cross and I hung out the entire first hour or so like this really was our dance. Like this was our school. Reliving our senior year and we didn't give a fuck who witnessed it.

But it was easy not to because we weren't the only ones.

A few of the other teacher's, Leslie Spencer to name a few had been shamelessly dancing all night and just having a good time too.

No wonder why she had such a passion for keeping up the funding for these kind of events.

Shyla kept eyeing me from across the gym. No matter where I wandered off to, I could count on her finding me with her eyes and calling out to me telepathically.

Even after all this time I still feel that little bit of connection to her, and can't help but look her way when I do.

I can't escape her.

"You wanna know something about that new nurse?" I say to Stephen, and although the sober me wouldn't spill this information, the Jack Daniel's in me is ready to tell Stephen Cross everything. "She's my ex."

Stephen's eyes go wide and he looks from me to her a few times like he almost can't believe it. "No, shit? What's she doing working here? Don't tell me she's the psycho stalker type."

"Beats me man." I shrug. "She said she's trying to reconnect with me or something."

"She's pretty hot."

I squint at her, and for the first time I don't really see it. I haven't thought about Shyla being attractive to me in a while now. Maybe since the last time I actually wanted her back. And even then, who's to say that had anything to do with attraction? It was more emotional attachment than anything else.


"Oh, yeah she is. Come on." He nudges me with the pointy tip of his elbow. "Don't act like that. What? Bad blood there?"

"I just...now I know the real her, and she isn't what I want anymore."

He stares at me like he's challenging that statement, but I can say with absolute certainty that I'm no longer concerned with Shyla. I don't know why she's here, why she's come back into my life after I've moved on. But I just hope she stops this soon.

"So the real question is, does Sinclair know she's actually buddies with your ex, or what?"

"Yeah, she does. I think they've bonded over it."

"Chicks are fuckin' weird." He laughs.

After while, Stephen and I would cross paths every so often as we made our ways around the room keeping an eye on things. I'd find him when I needed another shot, or when Shyla or Sinclair looked like they'd be coming my way.

I was trying my best to avoid any interactions with either of them.

Morgan was already on my ass about the whole Sinclair thing, and luckily the kids finally forgot about the situation so it died down a lot, but I don't need a new scandal to come out over me and the new nurse.

Tina: how's it going :)

Me: it's actually going well

Me: wish you could have came

Tina: eh, maybe I'll go to Prom or something

I didn't even think about Prom.

My head starts to itch over the idea of Ethan trying to take her to that dance too. Or any kid who actually has a decent amount of brain cells, because come on. She's gorgeous. Who wouldn't want to take her to Prom.

Sunshine (Student/Teacher Romance) 18+Where stories live. Discover now