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Things have been going pretty well since our week away from this shitty town.

Even when Hailey and Tyson showed up unexpectedly to the lake house, things only got weirdly better, despite that being one of my nightmare scenarios playing out in real time.

It was nice. More than nice.

I'd never had family time like that with Shyla. And maybe that was mostly due to the fact that my sister kept a thirty foot radius from her, but I also never forced a relationship between the two and I never really knew why until now.

We've been home for a week, and not even a hiccup in our daily routine once.

Ari seemed nervous about returning home, but if I had to come back to a school full of bullies harassing me I would be too.

I can't wait until she's out of there.

For now all I can do is keep an eye on her as best I can.

"Mr. Caswell," Ari speaks, coming toward my desk as I clear off the pile of ungraded tests I'll surely have to pack up and tackle later tonight.

"Yes, Miss Reid."

She stands timidly in front of me and we both watch as the last couple of students trickle out before a sweet smile spreads on her face.

"Nothing. I just missed you."

I steal a quick kiss and lean against the front of my desk, arms crossed and just look at her.

She's so different now.

She handles life differently now. I'd like to take credit for that, but it's all her. She's coming into her own beautifully, and I'm only glad to be apart of it. Ushering her into this new phase of life.

She's going to be so wildly successful, beautiful. Smart as hell.

I can't wait to see it.

She hops up on the desk behind her, staring at me back and I almost wonder what she thinks when she looks at me. If her thoughts are anything like the ones that swirl around my head when I even glance her way.

"I miss you always, but you don't need to be late for class, babe." I smirk at her, so in love my chest feels full any time she's close to me.

"A little tardiness won't kill me." She reaches out for me and I can't help but to oblige. Knowing how fucking risky it is during school hours to be this close to her.

To act out any desires, no matter how innocent they may be.

She pulls me close and our lips meet again, my body positioning between her open legs and jumpstarting my need for her that I try to keep suppressed all day, or else I'd be walking around stiff.

She moans onto my mouth, prompting my tongue to come out for a taste and she gives into me just as easily as she always had. Her fingers twist in the hair at the back of my head and I grip her thigh as the need to have her grows deeper.

The handle on the door rattles and it opens slow enough for me to back away from my student, and for her to dry her lips before Principal Morgan creeps in.

He has a look on his face that is so unsettling, I have to force myself to smile like I was expecting him.

"Ari, off the desk," he barks, flicking his large, crooked finger at the door. "Now."

She hops off, wide eyed and glancing at both of us as she scrambles with her backpack. I watch her leave the room, Principal Morgan's eyes searing into me.

Sunshine (Student/Teacher Romance) 18+Where stories live. Discover now