Chapter 44

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"If you want to know, I can show the other reason too!" Taemin said. J Hope raised his head to look at Taemin. Suddenly, Taemin's cool lips fell on J Hope's warm lips. J Hope shocked. He forgot all the pain an also they forgot this was a public place. Slowly, J Hope moved his lips against to Taemin's lips.


"Did you hear that?" V got up from his bed. Jimin shook his head.

"What?" Jimin asked. V showed his phone to Jimin. Jimin made eyes smaller and looked at that.
That was a message from J Hope.

J Hope <Our Jackson's GF lost her virginity because of Jackson today!>

Jimin coughed. WTF!

"Yeah... our Jackson!" V switched off his phone and sat near to Jimin.

"I can't still believe! He is still 17!" V grabbed his own hands. Jimin reminded about Jungkook.

'He also gets change day by day! It's not a surprise!'

"Hm... they are gonna be 18 soon" Jimin said. V turned to Jimin and grabbed his hands.

"What about Jungkook?" V asked and Jimin made his throat.

"How can I know about him?" Jimin's phone vibrated. Message from Jungkook.

JK <Did you hear that news?> Jimin got the phone and replied.

JM <Now, we are talking about that! Still I can't believe!>

JK <Me too>

JM <Did he tell you before that?>

JK <Ah... Hm... Um...>

JM <Jungkook!!!?>

JK <I didn't understand him that time!>

Jimin smirked at the phone screen.

'Jungkook? Didn't understand? Is he a baby?'

JM <You are a baby then!>

JK <May be...😊>

"What the fuck are you laughing alone? Tell me too!" V took Jimin's phone.

"It's Jungkook!" Jimin said and V eye rolled.

"Baby? From where?" V asked. Jimin pulled his phone back.

JM <From where?>

JK <Everything!>

Jimin showed the reply to V and V smiled.

"Poor boy!" V hummed and got up.

"I am tired..." Jimin waved his hand to V and V lay down on his own bed.

JM <Ok, I can imagine!>

"Good Night, Jimin!" V said. Jimin too wished a good night.

JK <Got dinner?>

JM <Yeah!>

JK <Did homework?>

JM <Yeah!>

JK <You heard that news too?>

JM <What?>

JK <J Hope had a partner!>

The phone fell from Jimin's hand. "WTF Man!"

JM <What?>

JK <Yeah... Taemin hyung!>
Jimin gulped. He is again gonna faint. 'What was that? J Hope and Taemin?'

JM <Ah... Good! Ewe!>

JK <🤣🤣😂🤣😂>

JM <Stop laughing. Good night!>

JK <Good night hyung 💐👋>

Jimin switched off his phone and lay down on the bed. 'J Hope too got a gay partner! Then...' Jimin thought.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


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