Chapter 26

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“That’s why; J Hope didn’t let Jungkook and Jackson to see it! It’s super 18+ scene!” Jin pulled Suga and ran to the class.


At the evening, V was on the way to his hostel room. Jin ran to him.

“Hey, V! I didn’t see you on the class time!” Jin put his hand over V’s shoulders.
“I was bit busy!” V said. Jin smirked at him. He is recording their conversation from his phone which is in his pockets.

“So, with Namjoon?” Jin asked and V stopped.

“Why was I with him?” V asked and Jin smirked.

“That’s my question!” Jin said and V suddenly got sweaty. He gulped and his throat got dry.

“What are you asking about hyung?” V tried to smile at him. Jin smiled and grabbed V’s shoulder.

“V, you are not the same one like before! Something happened to you! Who is that person? Who is that reason for your change and for Jimin’s sick?” Jin asked and V gulped.

“Hyung…” V hummed and Jin waited.

“It’s Namjoon!” Jin replied. V widened his eyes and Jin started to laugh.

“Is that correct?” Jin asked and V got tear up. Then, he nodded.

“Sorry Hyung!” V said. Jin stopped laughing.

“For what?” Jin asked. “It’s not your fault!” Jin ran away from V. V knelt down and started to cry.

Suddenly, someone put his hand on V’s shoulder. V shocked and wiped his tears.

“V!” that’s J Hope. V stood up.

“Yes…” his voice was broken. J Hope hugged him tightly.

“Don’t worry! I know everything! We all know! It’s normal. Right?” J Hope kissed on V’s ear lobe.

V kept his head on J Hope’s chest and cried loud.

“Don’t be afraid and don’t be stress! Jimin will be ok soon! He has a brain to understand these all!” J Hope grabbed V’s spine.

That time, that scene had seen by Jimin from his own binocular in his room. He got tear up. ‘V… I forgive you brat!’ Jimin said to himself and he got his phone and sent a message to V.

<JIMIN> ‘Brat! Where are you? I am bored’ Jimin typed.

Suddenly, V’s phone vibrated. J Hope signed him to get it. V opened the message and smiled.

“I should go now!” V showed the message and J Hope smiled proudly.

“I said… I know about him. Now, go!” J Hope waved his hand and V ran to his room. He got a deep breath and knocked at the door. Jimin opened it.

“I am sorry!” V hummed. Jimin nodded and closed the door after V came inside.

“You got bored, right? I am sorry!” V bowed at Jimin. Jimin gave him an Apple to eat. V smiled at him and that made his mind new. ‘When they first met, Jimin gave him an Apple. That mark means forgive mark’ V smiled at him.

“You enjoyed?” finally, Jimin asked. V nodded.

“Yeah…” V said and Jimin smiled.

“I have not any feelings about bisexual things. So, I am sorry!” Jimin said and V knelt down in front of Jimin.

“This is my first time, Jimin! But, it felt so good!” V said with his cute eyes. Jimin sighed.

“Hm… Rest now!” Jimin brushed V’s hair.

“Can’t you think about bisexual?” V again asked. Jimin sighed. He is cool now!

“Hm… I can’t! How can I think about that turn on happen after saw a boy? Eh?” Jimin smiled.

“I too thought like that. But…” Jimin kept his finger on V’s mouth.

“Hey… Again you are gonna tell everything to me! You are not single now… Right? And also I am not your best anymore!” Jimin said. V got a pain in his heart.

“No… You are my bestie forever!” V got up angrily and goes to his bed. Jimin smiled and switched off the lights.


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