Chapter 2

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Hoseok, Tae and Jimin went to their class room together. Already they were too late. The class teacher looked at them.


“Fine! Three of you? Where were you?” she asked with bit anger.

“We are sorry. That ah…” Hoseok couldn’t stop his sentence because she stopped him.

“Stop Hoseok! I don’t want to hear you. I know because you are always lying” She looked at Tae.

“Is there anything, Mr. Kim Tae?” Tae looked at her. Jimin coughed. Teacher suddenly turned to him.

“Mr. Ballet?” she looked at Jimin from up of her spectacles. Jimin made his throat.

“Mrs. Jennie, we are really sorry! That was because… I was not in a good situation. So, they were waited for me” Jimin looked down. Tae looked at Jimin and grabbed his hand.

‘Wow Jimin… You… Go on…’ Taehyung thought. Jimin smirked like that he could read Tae’s mind.

“Fine. So, now your situation?” She asked. Jimin coughed again.

“Bit fine! Thanks madam!” Jimin bowed. Taeseok did same as Jimin.

“Fine. Go and get ready for English.” She closed the register and got up. All the students stared at her. She is the one who taught English but now why is she leaving?

“What the… Mrs. Jennie, Where are you going?” suddenly, Yoongi asked. Mrs. Jennie stopped and looked at him.

“I am going to 1st year students’ class. New one came for you! Don’t let him to leave you” she said with a smile.

“Oh god, madam!” Hoseok sighed.

“Stop acting like sad!” Mrs. Jennie smirked at Hoseok and left the classroom.

 Jennie smirked at Hoseok and left the classroom

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( Mrs. Jennie)

“What the fuck! Who is that new one?” All the students started to talk about that.

“It’s good if that person become a male one” Hoseok smiled at Tae. Tae smiled too and looked at Jimin. Fine. Tae’s smile was disappeared. Jimin don’t want to think about gay or bisexual things. Suddenly, the door opened. All were stared at that person. Yes! It is a male teacher. Well built. Not much handsome but look like precious. Taller one and wearing spectacles.

“Good Morning!” he wished. All were stood up and wished back. Hoseok looked at Tae.

“I told you! He would be nice!” Hoseok said.

“Well. I am Kim Namjoon. 19 years old!” he started.

“What the fuck?” Tae looked at Jimin. Jimin’s eyes were widened. All the class is in uncomfortable situation.

“That is a kid then” Yoongi looked at Jin. Jin smirked and closed the book.

“Let him to tell!” Jin kept his hands on the table.

“So, I know you all were shocked by heard that I am still 19. Yes! You all must!” he laughed.

“Seems he is a member of mental hospital!” Jimin rolled his eyes.

“So, I am a student of New Zealand University! I came here because I got a vacation!” he said. All were looked at each other.

“He is in my age! But why is he look like precious?” Hoseok asked. Tae smiled.

“Because he has a brain!” Jimin said. Suddenly, Yoongi turned to Jimin.

“Actually, you are correct Jimin!” he said. Jimin gave him a small smile.

“That is a mad man!” Tae closed his book. Suddenly, Namjoon started to scream.

“What the hell are you doing there?” he shouted.

“Sorry!” Hoseok said.

“Well! Don’t try to play with me! Tell me about yourself! I am still 19. But that is not meaning you all can be resembled to me! Because I am talented than you all! Let’s start!” he sat on his chair.


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