Chapter 72

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V <Fuck You! Can’t you reply me?>


Jungkook got a message from his mom after a week.

Mom <JK? How are you both?>

JK <Good mom! You both? Grandpa?>

Mom <All are fine! Please be careful!>

JK <Sure mom!>

Jungkook and Jimin both were know about the murder scene. For three days, Jimin got changed completely. He is not pleasant at all. No smiles, no talks! Jungkook didn’t know what happened
to him. Now, too he is in bathroom.

JM <What the hell are you talking about?>

?? <I already said>

JM <Please wait!>

?? <Yes…>

JM <You did this to me three days! Please stop this!>

?? <I will stop baby! But, first you should…>

JM <Ah… No!>

?? <Then, let’s see what will happen! I know you have a bf too!>

JM <Wait! No… I will do it!>

?? < That’s the right thing, ma boy! Come on!>

Jimin came out of the bathroom and sat on the bed. Then, he opened his bank app. There is
only 40 000 won. This man want 25 000 won. Jimin grabbed his own hair. He knew who this is!
It’s his brother! Step gay brother! He is the assassin of these all cases. Jimin knew that but, he
can’t do anything because if he did that, Jungkook will get into death threats. Suddenly,
Jungkook came.
“Hyung, I made this for you!” Jungkook gave him a donut. Jimin tasted it.

“Thanks! It’s tasty!” Jimin smiled.

“Hyung, are you ok?” Jungkook knelt down closer to Jimin and Jimin nodded. ‘No fucking good!’
Jimin thought. Jimin got his phone and replied to Taehyung’s message after a week.

JM <Yes, fine V!>

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

After a month, the government decided to close all the schools, universities and offices. So,
again long vacation. Jungkook’s grandpa dead before a week. Jimin is still in Jungkook’s house and still boys were killed by the assassin.

“Jungkook, In August we will go to Japan!” Jungkook widened his eyes.
“What?” Jungkook can’t breathe now. Only three months to August. ‘How can I leave Jimin?’
“Yeah… For two years!” Jungkook again shocked. ‘2 years! Without Jimin?’
“But, How? Our Jimin!” Mrs. Jeon looked around to check that to see Jimin but, he is not there.
“I know but, nothing to do!” Mrs. Jeon said. Jungkook got up from the chair.
“I don’t want to go!” Jungkook shouted and ran to his room and closed his room. He is about to
cry now. Suddenly, his phone vibrated.
Mom <We are going to outside! Here your both dinner! TC!>
Jungkook didn’t reply. He continued to cry.
Jimin, who heard their conversation, was in his own room. He didn’t cry but the pain is running
over his heart. Suddenly, he heard someone open the gate. Jimin opened the curtain and
looked. Jungkook’s parents are leaving. Jimin sighed. He got up from the bed and went to the
Jungkook’s room.
“Jungkook, can I come in?” he asked but, no answer. Jimin know that about Jungkook’s
situation. So, he slowly opened the door. Well! Jungkook is lying on the bed. Jimin wanted to
hug him so bad but, no! He slowly went near to Jungkook.
“Hey, brat!” Jimin kept his hand on Jungkook spine. He can felt that Jungkook’s crying.
“Jungkook-ah… Don’t cry! Let’s go to Japan!” suddenly, Jungkook raised his head. His eyes, nose
and lips were swollen. Hair was messed.
“Did you hear that?” Jimin nodded. Jungkook sat on the bed.
“Hyung, I told you! I can’t go without you! If I did I will die!” Jungkook is crying loudly like a baby.
Jimin brushed his hair.
“I know… But, we are not a couple! So…” Jungkook widened his eyes.
“So! Can you let me go? Uh?” Jimin smiled. Jungkook grabbed Jimin’s shoulder.
“For sake me hyung, I did love you for 4 months now but, it’s only a crush! Why can’t you even
tell me, that you want me or not?” Jungkook’s voice was broke and worse. Jimin looked down.
‘How can I tell it? I am so afraid!” Jimin thought.
“Huh… That means you can leave me? You don’t want me anymore!” Jungkook sat near to
“Jungkook…” Jimin slowly opened his mouth to say something. Jungkook sighed.
“I… I do love you for 4 months too!” Jungkook looked at Jimin. ‘What did he say?’ Jungkook felt
that his heart gonna stop by happiness.
“Wh… What hyung?” Jimin nodded. Tears are falling from his eyes. He couldn’t stop crying.
“But, you know! I hated bisexual things. But, I do love you… I don’t know why! I am sorry!”
Jimin said. Suddenly, Jungkook kissed his lips. This is not like before! This time Jungkook didn’t
move his lips but, Jimin did. Jimin didn’t stop licking his lips. So, Jungkook tightly wrapped
Jimin’s hips from his hands. Jimin is super! Jungkook put his hand into Jimin’s t-shirt and started
to rub his spine. Jimin slowly lay down on the bed without breaking the kiss. So, Jungkook rolled
on to Jimin’s body and kissed him like a needy man. They can feel their breathes, touches and
taste of saliva. Jungkook rolled his tongue into Jimin’s mouth to mix their saliva together. There
were so sweet moans from both of them. Suddenly, Jimin felt that he got turn on by the scene.
So, he slowly broke the kiss.
“Why?” Jungkook asked. Jimin smiled and moved Jungkook and he got up. Jungkook stared at
“Anything happened bad, hyung?” Jimin shook his head. He went to the bathroom. Jungkook
slowly smiled. He knew what happened to him, because he saw that Jimin got a boner.
Jungkook was super at hiding his awesome feelings.
After few minutes, Jimin came out. He smiled at Jungkook.
“It’s not a shame!” Jungkook said. Jimin nodded.
“But, you are still 17!” Jimin brushed Jungkook’s hair.
“Hyung, please don’t leave me!” Jungkook said. Jimin smiled.
“No… I will not baby! Because I love you!” Jimin hugged Jungkook tightly.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


Now y'all minds, I know guys (I'll fucking chop your balls, the ?? Man)

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