Chapter 25

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“Let me rest! Otherwise, I will hospitalize because of high pressure!” Jimin got on to his bed.

Next day, Jimin was absent. V only came from their hostel.

“Where’s Jimin?” Jin asked and V tried to smile.

“He is not well!” V sat near to J Hope.

“I’ve just heard that you got high pressure because of Namjoon. So, how are you now?” J Hope asked. V started to blush.

“I am fine, Thanks!” V said. Jackson and Jungkook too came to them.

“Hi V hyung, how are you?” Jackson hugged him tightly and Jungkook looked for Jimin. But, he was not here.

“V hyung, are you ok now?” Jungkook got a chair and sat down. V nodded.

“So, where is your other part?” Jungkook slowly came to his point. V gulped.

“He is not well! Headache!” ‘It’s a lie’ he thought. Jungkook sighed. Suddenly, Namjoon came.

“Good morning!” he wished and looked at V. ‘Thanks god!’ he thought. V smiled at him. ‘How beautiful that smile’ Namjoon started his lesson. He always paid attention to V. Every time, Namjoon came to him and V starting to blush.

“Where’s your bestie?” Namjoon asked. V said that he is not well. While that J Hope was searching on them and also Suga and Jin too searched.

“Fuck Namjoon!” J Hope hummed.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

After the period, V went from the class. J Hope came near to Jin.

“What was that?” J Hope asked and Jin nodded.

“Jimin is right!” Suga hummed.

“They are in a relationship!” Jin said. Jungkook widened his eyes.

“So!” Jungkook got up. All were looked at him.

“You told that, Jimin doesn’t like bisexual things! So, can’t you think about today why was Jimin hyung absent?” Jungkook gave his idea. All were widened their eyes.

“Fuck!” J Hope shouted.

“But we can’t go to the hostel now!” Jackson said and all were sighed.

“You are correct!” Jin accepted Jackson.

“Then, what should we do?” Suga grabbed his own cheeks.

“Let’s talk to V!” Finally, Jungkook said his opinion.

After that, all were run to the staff room and it was closed. Jungkook signed them to be quiet. J Hope tried to look inside from the keyhole. Yes! He can see what is happening there! He gulped. V and Namjoon are kissing hard.

“Did you see anything?” Jackson quietly asked and J Hope shook his head. After that, he looked at Jin.

“Why?” Jin asked. J Hope smiled.

“Nothing! Let’s go!” J Hope got his phone and sent a message to Jin. Jin opened it.

<J HOPE> Watch it, after we left!

That was the message.

“Fine guys, let’s go!” J Hope grabbed Jungkook’s hand and pulled.

“We will come later!” Jin said. J Hope nodded. After they left, Jin looked inside of the room from the keyhole. FUCK! They are removing their clothes and touching each other. Suga moved to Jin and looked. They are kissing again and trying to remove their pants. Suga closed his eyes and got up.

“That’s why; J Hope didn’t let Jungkook and Jackson to see it! It’s super 18+ scene!” Jin pulled Suga and ran to the class.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


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