Chapter 90 (Final)

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"Did you turn off CCTVs?" Tae looked at Namjoon. He nodded. They went to their apartment.


Next morning, Jungkook opened his eyes.
"Ah... tired... It's already 9.00p.m.!" Jungkook got up from the bed.
"Where is hyung?" Jungkook went to the bathroom and got a bath. After few minutes, he went
to Jimin's room.
"He is not here too! May be he is at downstairs!" Jungkook ran to downstairs.
"Hyun..." Jungkook couldn't complete his sentence because there were Tae and Namjoon in the
living room.
"Hyung, hi! Good morning! I am looking for Jimin hyung!" Jungkook came near to them.
"Yes, Kookie! We too came here to tell you something about him!" Namjoon sat on the couch.
Tae is still standing up. His eyes are teary. Jungkook gulped. Something is happening wrong,
"What? Jimin hyung? Where is he?" Jungkook looked at Tae. Both were sunk into the ocean
named silence. Jungkook ran closer to Tae.
"Forsake me, tell me! What happened?" Jungkook shook Tae's body. Tae suddenly hugged
Jungkook tightly.
"Don't worry! He is ok! But, we can't sure that his coming..." Jungkook pushed Tae away.
"What the fuck are you just saying? Tell me just now! Where is he?" Jungkook knelt down in
front of Namjoon.
"Listen baby, he, I meant your hyung, killed a person last night! You know Chenyeol, right? So,
he disappeared!" Jungkook got up. Now he is frozen.
"Kookie... We are always with you!" Tae said. Jungkook smirked.
"Stop! What?" Jungkook ran to his room and sat on his bed. He couldn't stop his tears. 'What
the fuck is that?' Jungkook grabbed his head from his both hands. He remembered about last
'What did he just say? A fucking disappears? Was it this?'

Jungkook jumped out from his bed and ran to Jimin's bed. It's clean. But, his stuff is still there
because he didn't get anything when he was leaving. Jungkook sat on the bed. Now the bed is
clear forever. Jimin had left. V hyung is correct. Jungkook slowly got Jimin's pillow. 'A Note?'
Jungkook quickly got it and started to read it.
My dear Kookie,
I am sorry. Please forgive me! I can't bear this anymore. I can't let him to get you! So, I'll destroy
him. After that, at least you can live safely. Don't worry about me. But, I will not die. I will come,
sure! Thanks for the last night Kookie! Love You Forever!
-Your Daddy hyung
(I am crying while typing this!)
Jungkook grabbed the letter tightly and started to cry.
"Yes hyung! I will stay till you come back to me!" suddenly Tae came to the room. He saw that
Jungkook is crying. Poor brat!
"Dude, he told me to look after you! So, I will and I think it's my responsibility!" Tae said and
Jungkook wiped his tears.
"Hyung, where is he? Do you know?" Jungkook asked and Tae shook his head.
"No, he didn't tell it but, he is still alive! So, he will come back, sure!" Tae hugged Jungkook
tightly. Suddenly, Namjoon came.
"Look! They found the dead body!" Namjoon showed his phone to Jungkook. Jungkook and Tae
both stared at the phone.
"Whoa... SO!" Jungkook got up. V pulled him again.
"Just forget about all about Jimin's scene! Only think about beautiful things! We must protect
him. Mind your words, boy!" Tae said while brushing Jungkook hair playfully. Jungkook nodded.
'Beautiful things? Everything is beautiful with Jimin!' Jungkook thought.
Next day, all were in Jungkook's house expect Jackson's girlfriend.
"We must protect him!" Taemin said. Jungkook is like a dead body. All were looked at him.
"Hey baby..." Hoseok hugged him tightly.
"I am fine..." Jungkook hummed.
"He will inform us about the place where he lives!" Tae looked at Namjoon. Namjoon nodded.
They all were shocked by Jimin's courage. His plan was got succeed. At least Tae can't even
believe this.
So, again universities started. All were studied hard without Jimin. Tae always worried about
him. Jimin's life without education! Suddenly Tae saw that Jungkook is running to his direction.
"Hyung..." Tae looked at him. It's a surprise. Jungkook didn't come to him like this before,
never! So, he got surprised.
"Yes buddy!" Tae looked at that handsome brat. Jungkook's eyes are teary.
"I am gonna abroad to Japan for 2 years!" Tae looked at that bunny.
"Really...? It would be nice then!" Tae smiled. Jungkook shook his head sadly.
"Then, how will I able to know about Jimin? How can I know about him?" Jungkook sighed.
"Hm... Give it to me baby bunny... Let me to do that! You can contact with me baby!" Tae said
happily. Jungkook smiled happily too. 'What a beautiful friend?'
"Thank you so much, hyung!" Jungkook bowed at him.


Author's Note:

Hi Guys,
I hope you enjoyed well
I know that you all have a question in your minds.
This is not the time to answer for you all.
Book one is gonna be end now from here.
There will be a Book 2 named
Forsake me pt.2.
This story will be continuing there.
If you want to know that
what will happen next...
I'll publish te second part too. But it will be late a bit since I have my educational stuff a lot.
But, I promise, I'll publish it however guys, for you!
Love You...
Bye for now my Nuts!
Hope you enjoyed this a lot.

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