Chapter 64

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“Ah… They are ok! This is not Korea, baby!” Namjoon said.
Jimin got on to the Jungkook’s car and Jungkook got on to the front seat.
“Are you ready?” Jimin started the car. Jungkook nodded.
“Then, here we go!” Jungkook shouted. Jimin smiled.
Now, they are on the way to beach. Jimin is wearing a short hand shirt and a black color short.
Jungkook is also wearing a full white dress. Jungkook packed his all stuff early and also his
precious camera too.
After 30minutes, they came to the place.
“This is the place then!” Jimin parked the car and got off. He didn’t forget to wear his
sunglasses because he is too much worrying about his face. Jungkook wore a cowboy hat and
sunglasses. He got his camera and got off from the car.
“Not that much people!” Jungkook looked at the see shore. Jimin removed his shoes and closed
the door of the car.
“Let’s go!” Jimin went. Jungkook followed him.
“Whoa!” Jimin kept his own hands on his own hips. Jungkook looked at him.
“Do you like this?” Jimin nodded.
“Yeah… when I was 8 years old, I always came here with my parents!” Jimin sighed. Jungkook
really forgot about his family.
“May I ask about your family?” Jungkook asked. Jimin sighed.
“It’s a long story. I was 8 years old. My mother had faced to an accident. So, she dead. After
that, my father brought a new woman. She doesn’t like me… she has her own son. Same age as
me… But I really… I couldn’t believe him because he is a gay!” Jimin stopped. Jungkook widened
his eyes.
“A gay?” Jimin nodded.
“He started to love me! I didn’t know anything… he just tried to rape me that night… I was in 12
years old!” Jungkook gulped.
“So?” Jimin looked at the sea.
“So, I hit him with a vase. I was so afraid. So, I ran out of my house! I had not any idea to live. So,
at once, I tried to suicide!” Jimin licked his own lips. Jungkook grabbed Jimin’s hand.
“After that, V found me! I stayed with him. That’s why, I hate gay this much!” Tears are falling
down from Jimin’s eyes. Jungkook wiped them with his hands.
“Forget all!” Jungkook said. Jimin wiped his tears and smiled.
“Really, I missed my mom!” Jungkook felt that his heart gonna stuck by that.
“Hyung…” Jungkook kept his head on Jimin’s shoulder. Jimin sighed.
“I really can’t bear, when I saw your mom! I reminded about my mom!” Jimin said but Jungkook
didn’t tell anything. He is almost crying.
“Jungkook!” Jimin slowly raised Jungkook’s head up.
“Hey, why are you crying?” Jimin wiped his eyes. Jungkook nodded.
“Don’t love me but, let me love you! I wanna protect you forever… from everyone! It’s ok, if
you gonna hate me but, I will never stop loving you hyung!” Jungkook said and Jimin sighed.
“Let’s forget!” Jimin went closer to the sea. Jungkook too went.
“Do you know Jungkook? Sea is similar to me! It is silent! It doesn’t like noises but, deep and
savage!” Jimin said. Jungkook nodded.
“Then, I will be the shore!” Jimin looked at Jungkook.
“It’s because it’s always with the sea. Sometimes sea broke it, wash it but, again shore born by
the sea!” Jungkook explained it well. Jimin nodded.
“Let’s sit here!” Jimin sat on the shore. Jungkook sat near to him.
“I love sea!” Jungkook hummed. Jimin hugged his own legs to his chest. Jungkook looked at
“Why are you so beautiful?” Jungkook asked and Jimin started to blush.
“It’s because my mom was beautiful!” Jimin said. Jungkook kept his hand on Jimin’s shoulder.
Jimin shocked.
“You are too much for me!” Jimin pushed Jungkook’s hand and got up. He smiled.
“Why can’t I?” Jungkook got up. Jimin smirked.
“Of course, you can’t!” Jimin started to run. Jungkook too followed him fast. They were run first
but, Jungkook couldn’t catch him.
“Hoo…” Jimin shouted and threw some salty water to Jungkook’s face.
“Aish…” Jungkook too threw. Jimin ran to the sea and Jungkook too.
“Don’t go far, hyung!” Jungkook shouted. Suddenly, Jimin lost his balance.
“Jungkook…! Please help me!” he shouted. Jungkook caught Jimin’s shirt and pulled him.
“You are too short!” Jungkook pulled him again. Jimin raised his brows.
“Really!” Jimin fell down on the shore. Jungkook knelt down near him.
“If you sank there?” Jungkook shouted angrily. Jimin laughed.
“Nothing will happen!” Jimin said. Jungkook hit to Jimin’s chest and got up.
“Fuck you!” Jungkook shouted. Jimin too stood up and laughed hard.
They both were stayed there till 2p.m. After that, they both got their lunch from a see bucket
“Is it good? Do you like it?” Jungkook grabbed his fish cake. Jimin nodded while eating.
“I love it!” Jimin said.
∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


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