Chapter 36

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“No need, hyung! I will make my own! You must rest now!” Jungkook got up and went to the kitchen.

 Suga and Jin were way back to the hostel.

“Thank you so much!” Suga broke the silence.

“I love you more than everything!” Jin grabbed Suga’s hand while driving the car.

“Me too!” Suga made his seat properly.

“So… tell me, what you want me to do?” Jin asked and Suga sighed.

“I want to be with you every day!” Suga said.

“Then, step aside from your hostel room… I will bring you to my apartment!” Jin said and Suga nodded.

“Sure…” Suga sighed.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

“Hey get up, V baby!” Namjoon jumped on V’s body. V smiled.

“Good morning Namjoon!” V grabbed Namjoon’s hair and kissed. Namjoon pulled him.

“You are too late!” Namjoon pushed him to the bathroom and closed the door. V sat on the commed. “Hey, lazy man! Wake up!” Namjoon removed V’s pajama suit.

“Now, go to the shower, man!” V is full naked. Namjoon removed his own clothes and joined for the bath. They both were under the shower. V washed his body and after Namjoon.
While that accidently, Namjoon pushed his member to V’s thighs.

“Ah, sorry!” Namjoon hummed and V smiled.

“It’s ok, brat!” V said but V felt that he got turn on by that scene. He turned back and hugged Namjoon and kissed his lips. Namjoon pushed him to the wall and did the same. Their members were rubbing each other.

“I Love You!” Namjoon hummed to V’s ear. V got a deep breath and closed his eyes.

“For sake me… get me now!” he slowly moaned. Namjoon started to kiss V’s neck. The bathroom was filled with lovely and sweat moans…

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

J Hope knocked at the washroom door. He stayed here for 10 minutes. That person opened the door. It’s Jackson.

“What the fuck, man?” J Hope pulled him out and Jackson seems tired.

“Why?” Jackson grabbed his own hair. J Hope hit to his hair.

“What the hell did you do that much?” J Hope shouted and went into the washroom. Jackson raised his brows and turned back to go. Suddenly, someone ran and fell down near the sink. Jackson widened his eyes and ran to him.

“Are you ok?” Jackson asked. That man shook his head.

“Let me breathe!” That man said. Jackson pulled him and helped him. Suddenly, that guy vomited. Jackson continually rubbed his spine and chest. That time J Hope came.

“Why?” J Hope came near to them. WTF! Taemin!

“What happened brat?” J Hope rubbed his chest. Taemin nodded.

“Ah… I didn’t eat properly. That’s why!” he said. Taemin is taller than J Hope but skinny body and really innocent. He is in the same age with Suga. Normally, his face looks similar to Jimin. For the first time, anyone can guess that they are cousins.

“Jackson, help me to bring him to the hospital!” J Hope got Taemin’s hand and put it over to his shoulder. Jackson did the same. Taemin is almost crying now. J Hope looked at him.

“Don’t cry and don’t be afraid! We will take care of you!” J Hope said.

Finally, Taemin was hospitalized. J hope asked the time for come again.

“Hm… you can come after 4.00p.m.!” doctor said. J Hope bowed to him and left. Suddenly, he felt his phone is vibrating. A call from Jungkook. J Hope quickly, answered it.

“What the fuck, why didn’t you answer for my calls?”

“Sorry hyung! I was with Jimin hyung at his hostel room and now too!”

“What? Why?”

“He got high fever last night… he vomited!” J Hope reminded about Taemin.

“Really? Now, I too came to the hospital because of Taemin and he too vomited!”

“Ah… really?”

“Check that did Jimin eat!”

“Well, see you!”

J Hope cut the line and sighed. ‘Then what happened to V and Suga? And also Jin and Namjoon too!’ J hope ran to the classroom.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


For Sake Me Pt.1 [JIKOOK] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now