Chapter 62

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“Why not…?” V grabbed Namjoon’s cheeks and kissed his lips.
Next morning, Mrs. Jeon and Mr. Jeon went to Busan. So, Jungkook got up early in the morning
at 6.00a.m Jimin is still sleeping. After the parents’ leaving, Jungkook started to cook their
breakfast. He got 20 minutes for that. Then, he made some coffee and brought it to Jimin’s
“Can I come in, hyung?” but no answer. Jungkook slowly opened the door and he saw that Jimin
is in a deep sleep. His pajama suit was rolled up. So, now Jungkook can see all of his up part
from hip. Jimin’s hair was messed. Jungkook slowly kept his hand on Jimin’s head and slowly
drove it to his ear and rubbed it. Jimin woke up. He made his shirt properly and sat down on the
“Good morning, hyung!” Jungkook got the coffee and gave it to Jimin.
“Good morning, Jungkook!” Jimin wiped his eyes and got the cup.
“So, I made the breakfast for us. My parents were gone!” Jimin nodded. He got off from the bed
and went to the bathroom. Jungkook stood up and made Jimin’s bed properly. Jungkook slowly
kissed on Jimin’s pillow and smiled. He wants it deadly. After that, Jimin came out of the
“Can you go out for a while?” Jimin asked. Jungkook nodded and left the room. After few
seconds, Jimin came out of the room and smiled at Jungkook.
“Let’s go!” Jungkook ran to down stairs. Jimin too followed him.
“I don’t know about the taste…” Jungkook gave a plate to Jimin. Jimin sat down and started to
“Hm… Not bad at all!” Jimin said. Jungkook sighed.
“Hyung, what are we gonna do today?” Jungkook cut a piece of cake. Jimin got a strong breathe.
“Hm… No idea about that!” Jimin said. Jungkook sighed.
“Let’s go to the beach then!” Jimin raised his brows.
“Hm… It’s not a bad idea! So, how far from here?” Jimin asked.
“It may be about 7km!” Jungkook said and Jimin nodded.
“I can drive because you haven’t a license, right?” Jungkook nodded.
“I am just 17. By the way, we can spend there till the evening!” Jungkook smiled. Jimin too
smiled. Suddenly, they had an eye contact. ‘What the fuck, Jimin?’ Jimin thought. ‘Try to kiss
him, Jungkook-ah! Fighting!” Jungkook thought. Slowly, he leaned to Jimin. ‘Fuck!’ Jimin
couldn’t stop anything. So, he closed his eyes. But, suddenly, Jimin’s phone started to ring.
Jungkook broke the eye contact and went to kitchen. Still Jimin is shocked and still ringing the
phone. Suddenly, Jimin woke up from his dream. ‘What the fuck, is this call?’ Jimin got the call.
It was Taemin.
“Hey guys! What’s up?”
“Nothing special!”
“I called you to inform about a party!”
‘Fuck, then we can’t go to the beach. How unlucky?’ Jimin thought.
“Tomorrow evening at 6p.m!”
‘Relief!’ Jimin sighed.
“Sure, hyung!” Jimin cut the line. And looked at Jungkook.
“What did he say?” Jungkook said while wiping his hand from tissues.
“Taemin call to inform us about a party. It will be tomorrow at 6.00p.m!” Jimin put his steps on
“That’s good! We can buy some clothes too!” Jungkook smiled at him.
∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


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