Chapter 16

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“Found Jin and Suga too!” V ran to upstairs. No lights were there. Where are you Jimin? Shit!


At that time, Jungkook was under the Jackson’s bed and Jimin was on J Hope’s closet. They both are super-fast! V came to the room and knelt down.

“Found you Jungkook!” V laughed and pulled him out. Jimin couldn’t stop his laugh. Shit! Poor V! Jimin slowly looked down. V is super-nice. V ran out and Jungkook followed him. Before that, Jungkook looked at Jimin. Whoa! How could he climb? Jungkook thought. Jimin eye rolled and lay down again. That time V shouted.

“I am so sick of this seeking you Jimin! Come on! J Hope is the catcher!” he shouted. Jimin smiled and tried to get off from the closet.

“Can I help you?” Jungkook came near to the closet and asked politely. Jimin looked at him.

“I am fine if I die without your help!” Jimin smirked. Jungkook eye rolled.

“I am so sorry for that day!” Jungkook told. Jimin laughed hard.

“Really? Fine! But I don’t want to forgive you!” Jimin suddenly, slipped from the closet.

Jungkook was super-fast than the air. Jungkook caught him. Jimin thought that is his end.

“I caught!” Jungkook grabbed him hard. Jimin’s heart gonna faint. He shocked.

“Hyung! Are you ok?” Jungkook looked at Jimin. Jimin is still closing his eyes. Suddenly, all were come to the room. Jackson widened his eyes.

“Oh sorry…!”J Hope smirked.

“Look at that! It’s lovely!” Jin grabbed Suga’s hand. V widened his eyes. Fuck Jimin! Wake up! Jungkook didn’t care about others. He looked at this tiny little kitten. Slowly Jimin opened his eyes. In front of him, Wow! Super-handsome! Cute, Bunny tooth! WHAT? JUNGKOOK! Jimin jumped out from Jungkook’s hands.

“Anyway, Thanks! Shit!” Jimin said to Jungkook without looking at him. Jungkook smiled. V is still frozen. J Hope and Jackson smiled.
“Now, you two ok?” J Hope asked. Jimin smirked at him.

“Shut up, J Hope! Otherwise I’ll kill you!” Jimin didn’t say that only signed to him. J Hope closed his mouth.

“Fine, now is the next round! J Hope is the catcher!” V said and grabbed Jimin’s hand. They again came to the place where they were before.

“Fine, now game started!” J Hope closed his eyes. All were run expect Jimin. He kept his hands on his hip and looked at where Jungkook will go. He went near to bathroom. Fine! This is the time to hide! Actually, Jimin didn’t want to see Jungkook again. So, he ran to upstairs. He opened a door. Yeah! It’s a store room. No lights! He entered to the room and closed the door.

“Ewe… Dust!” Jimin hummed and covered his nose. So many boxes were there. Jimin went to a corner of the room.

“Careful… Careful…” Jimin sat down and pressed his knees to his own chest.

“Huh…” Jimin sighed. No sounds! Only dark! He closed his eyes. ‘JEON JUNGKOOK! Why did he help me? Didn’t he hate me? Ah no… he said that he wants to apologize! Should I forgive him? No Jimin no! You can’t!’ Jimin thought. Suddenly someone opened the door and closed it again slowly. Jimin suddenly opened his eyes. ‘J Hope?’ Jimin thought. He didn’t do anything. He just stayed quietly. Suddenly that person falls down. May be it was because of a box. Jimin
covered his mouth from his hand. ‘Fuck! It’s not J Hope!’ Jimin thought. ‘Then who is it?’ Jimin stopped breathing. That person turned to the corner where Jimin is hiding. Jimin looked at him. It’s not J Hope! Yeah! Suddenly he knelt down and kept his finger on his own lips. Jimin could see him because his eyes were ok to the dark now. But, seems he couldn’t see Jimin.

“Who are you?” finally Jimin asked. Suddenly, he jumped on to Jimin and covered Jimin’s mouth.

“Shut up! Otherwise J Hope will find us! You are V right?” he asked. Jimin widened his eyes.

He knew who this is. This voice! Smell! Fuck! JEON JUNGKOOK! Jimin slowly let him to sit next to him. Jungkook sat near to him and Jimin got hand from the mouth.

Borahae 💜️💜️💜️

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