Chapter 30

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“For sake me… Get me now!” Suga licked Jin’s lower lip and hummed.


“Jimin, are you sleeping?” V shouted. Jimin shook his head.

“No!” Jimin said.

“What are you doing with books?” V sat on his bed and looked at the clock. It’s 10.30p.m.

“For research!” Jimin is reading those bisexual books. This book is the last one.

“Fine…” V again lay down on the bed and Jimin is reading the last book.

“Huh… useless!” Jimin closed the book and went to the bathroom. He was so tired today. He sat on the commed and grabbed his legs. Suddenly, he reminded about Jungkook. ‘How cute he was? That time, what did he tell? I am more than important one!’ Jimin smirked. He got up and went outside. His phone is on the table. He got it and went to his bed. There was a message from an unknown number. Jimin looked at V. V is sleeping. Jimin crossed his legs and opened
the message.

<Hi hyung, I am Jungkook!> Jimin again and again read it and eye rolled. ‘How could he get mynumber?’ he typed a message.

JM <Hello, how did you get my number?>
JK <From a dream >
JM <Fuck…>
JK <How are you? V?>
JM <Good…>
JK <Don’t you ask about me?>
JM <For what?>
JK <I am fine, hyung!>
JM <Huh… Fine!>
Jimin smiled at the phone screen. This guy is super cute and funny.
JM <Got dinner?>
JK <Yeah! You?>
JM <Nope!>
JK <Get it! Good night!>

Jimin shocked. Just good night? Why is that?

JM <Good night>

Jimin replied and again a message received.

JK <Get your meals properly. Otherwise you will suffer!>

Jimin eye rolled and switched off the phone. He lay down and closed his eyes.
Suddenly, someone knocked at the door. Jimin got up and opened it. It is Jungkook.

“Fuck!” Jimin said. Jungkook smirked.

“Yeah… I came here to fuck you!” Jungkook pushed Jimin to the wall and closed the door. Jimin tried to shout but, Jungkook didn’t let him to do that.

“I love you, hyung!” Jungkook kissed Jimin’s lips. Jimin pushed Jungkook away and opened the door.

“Wait… hyung!” Jungkook stopped him but, Jimin ran. Jungkook too followed but, Jimin was caught by J Hope.

“Why are you running? Can’t you listen to him?” J Hope kept a knife to Jimin’s neck. Jimin gulped.

“Fuck, let me go!” Jimin pushed J Hope and ran back. Jungkook pulled Jimin to his body and kissed hard.

“Remove your clothes!” Jungkook said and Jimin widened his eyes.

“NOOOOOO!!!!!” Jimin got up. Whoa! It was a dream. Jimin opened the window and got some fresh air. He almost sweaty now and he looked at V and on the floor. Then, he got a deep breath.

“Why was that? Ah…?” Jimin grabbed his hair. He got up and also now he got turn on a bit. He got up and looked at his face from the mirror.

“Fuck, my lips!” It turned to red because his own bites.

“What? Why is this?” Jimin grabbed his pants and went to his bed.

“God… help me to sleep!” Jimin closed his eyes. He felt that, naturally he got turned off and automatically, jerking off in his pants.

“Ah…” Jimin grabbed his own pillow and shut his eyes.


For Sake Me Pt.1 [JIKOOK] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now