Chapter 49

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Jimin’s mind is shouting now. ‘What the fuck, Jimin! Why are you worrying so much about
him?’ Jimin played the radio and turned to the high volume.
“Yes, he called!” V said. J Hope sighed.
“Thanks god. What the fuck that asshole is doing?” J Hope shouted. V said the entire story.
“Jungkook’s address! For what?” J Hope asked. After the call he got a call to Jungkook. But, that
phone is switched off.
“Shit!” J Hope threw his phone to the table and lay down on the bed.
∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
Suddenly, someone knocked at the Jimin’s hostel room door. V got up and opened it.
“Namjoon?” V widened his eyes. Namjoon was full doped and he fell on to V’s shoulder. V
caught him and closed the door.
“What the fuck?” V lay down him on his bed. Namjoon’s face was red.
“M…my love… I came to you! Bored… I am!” Namjoon groaned. V sighed.
“Fine… I am here!” V said. He got up and went to get some water for Namjoon.
“Why did you drink this much?” V turned to Namjoon with a water glass. Fuck! He is looking at
him with hot eyes.
“Tae…” he hummed. V blinked his eyes.
“Yes!” V came near to Namjoon and sat near to him.
“I can’t leave you!” Namjoon started to cry. Without a second, V also started to cry.
“Then, don’t!” V hugged him tightly. Namjoon kissed on V’s neck and lay down. The water glass
fell on the floor with a loud sound.
∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
After 15 minutes, Jimin came to the place, where the GPS system was showed. It’s such a big
house. Jimin parked his car and got off from the car.
“Is this the place?” Jimin put his both hands in his pockets and opened the gate.
“Jeon Jungkook!” Jimin shouted as he can but, no answer. He got scared because of this silent.
“Shit…” Jimin went near to the main door and rang the bell. But, no answer… Jimin slowly
opened the door.
“Hello?” Jimin shouted but, no answer.
“Jungkook…!” Jimin shouted. His throat is paining now. He is not a man who shouting always.
Jimin slowly got his phone and got a call to Jungkook. It’s ringing. Jimin heard that tone from
the second floor of the house. He went to upstairs to follow the ring intone. Finally, Jimin came
near to a room. The ring intone is from this room… Jimin cut the line and knocked at the door.
“Jungkook!” Jimin knocked at the door with a super power. Suddenly, door was opened by a
push. Jimin looked around. It’s a big room. The phone is on the fluffy bed. Jimin ran to it and
got the phone and searched his call log.
“My love?” Jimin widened his eyes and gulped. ‘Why is he saved my number as My Love?’
Jimin looked around but, Jungkook was not there.
“Jungkook!” Jimin went to the bathroom. He slowly opened the door. Jungkook was on the
floor. He was closing his eyes… No moving… Jimin felt that some shock was running over his
body. He came near to Jungkook and slowly touched his hand. It is still warm.
“Jungkook!” Jimin slowly pulled Jungkook’s head. Seems, he got fainted. Jimin slowly, tried to
pull him up.
“Ah, this brat is heavy!” Jimin slowly brought him to the bed. Jimin put him on the bed and
turned on the Air Conditioner. Then, he sat on the couch to breathe properly.
‘Ah… I don’t know what to do! What should I do now? Call to the hospital?” Jimin looked at
Jungkook’s body and sighed. Then, he reminded the day that Jungkook helped him. Jimin got up
from the couch and came near to Jungkook. Slowly, he kept his ear on Jungkook’s chest. Slow
“Jungkook-ah!” Jimin grabbed Jungkook’s shoulders and hummed. Slowly, Jungkook opened his
“Water…” he groaned. Jimin ran and took some water from the filter.
“Here…” Jimin helped him to sit down. Jungkook’s eyes were swollen. His body was swollen too.
Jimin gave him the glass and looked at him.
“What happened?” Jimin made Jungkook’s hair properly. But, he didn’t ask about what he saw
in his phone.
“Hyung, I am ok now…!” Jungkook’s voice was broken. He kept his water glass on the stool and
sat on the bed.
“Hyung!” Jimin looked at him. ‘Did he cry?’ Jimin thought.
“What happened to the dinner?” Jimin sighed.
“I just came to you! I forgot to tell her! Ah…” Jimin got his phone and got a call.
“I am sorry!”
“Don’t mind oppa!”
“My friend got sick, that’s why! We can meet later!”
“It’s ok, Jimin shii!” she cut the line.
“What did she tell?” Jungkook asked. Jimin raised his brows.
“Just forget!” Jimin said. Jungkook grabbed Jimin’s hand and Jimin shocked. He pulled his hand.
“Why did you apologize her that much?” Jungkook asked. Jimin looked at Jungkook.
“What? Why?” Jimin asked. Jungkook rolled his eyes.
“I don’t like you to be like that because of an unknown girl!” Jungkook grabbed Jimin’s
“Shut up, Jungkook!” Jimin pushed him.
“No, I am not!” Jungkook stood up and pushed Jimin. Jimin widened his eyes.
“WTF? What happened to you? I came here for you! Is this the way you wanna treat?” Jimin
shouted. Jungkook sighed.
“I am sorry…” Jungkook sat on the bed. Jimin let out a deep breathe.
“Hyung, but don’t fall on her!” Jungkook said. Jimin widened his eyes.
“Sure! I will not! But, don’t tell anything about this! So, tell me, where is your parents?” Jimin
changed the topic and sat on the couch.
“They went to Busan, because my grand pa is not well!” Jungkook said.
“Well… Did you get dinner?” Jungkook shook his head. Jimin got up from the couch and went
out from the room.
∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


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