Chapter 89

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“I Too Baby!” Jimin cuddled him tightly.


Jimin suddenly opened his eyes. He felt that someone is hugging him tightly. He looked at that
person. It’s Jungkook. They both are still naked. Jimin looked at the clock. It’s 10.15p.m. He
slowly got up from the bed. Jungkook was in a deep sleep. Jimin slowly stepped to his own
room and took a bath. His body is covering all over with Jungkook’s scent. Jimin got out from the bathroom and started to dress up. He wore a black suit. He did his make-up correctly and
put earrings on.
“Cool!” He mumbled to himself. Then, he slowly left his room and went to Jungkook’s room.

“Shit, Jungkook! Today is my happiest day in my life! I Love you forever! Please, forgive me
Kookie! Don’t be alone please. Don’t skip your meals. Do your best always! Keep about your
hyung in your mind forever! Don’t forget me! I love you rest of my life!” Jimin slowly kissed on Jungkook’s forehead while mumbling these words. (I am crying while typing this!😭) He got tear
up (Like me!😭). So, he ran to downstairs and opened the car dickey and got the knife.
“This is your car! Good Bye!” Jimin started to walk along to the place. He got 40 minutes to it.
“Baby…!” It’s Chenyeol. Jimin smiled and went near to him.
“I came!” Jimin said. Chenyeol grabbed Jimin’s hand and went to his room.
“Take a seat, ma bro!” Chenyeol started to make some coffee. Jimin sat down.
“Can you stop hurting my boyfriend, please?” Chenyeol smirked.
“For what? I can do anything to that brat!” Chenyeol said as Jimin got up from the couch.
“You are such an asshole! Shut up! I don’t want to hear your shits anymore! I WON’T LET YOU
TO DO ANYTHING!” Jimin shouted as he can. Chenyeol laughed hard.
“Won’t you let me to do? How can you stop me baby hyung?” Chenyeol too stood up.
“I will show you how I am gonna do that!” suddenly Jimin pulled his knife out of his jeans
pocket and threw it to Chenyeol. It went through his neck.
“Oh… Ah… Fuck!” Chenyeol fell down on the floor. Jimin lost his control. He reminded
everything about his past life, especially about age 12. He pulled the knife out and again
stabbed Chenyeol 4, 5 times.
“Ah…!” Chenyeol screamed and after about 2 or 3 minutes, Chenyeol stopped moving. HE
DEAD! Jimin started to cry. He sat down on the floor and grabbed his hair with his bloody hands.
“You did well Jimin!” Jimin mumbled to himself and got his phone. It’s already near to 12
midnight. He got a call to Tae.

“Hello brat!”

“I did it, Tae!”


“I killed him!”

Tae jumped out from his bed.


“Yeah… Tae, promise me. Jungkook doesn’t know anything! Please look after him!”

“Go and disappear then!”

Tae is almost crying. Namjoon grabbed him.

“What’s wrong babe?” Namjoon asked.

“No. I won’t! I don’t want to…”

Jimin hung up the call. Tae lost his mind. He ran to the kitchen.
Namjoon too followed him.

“Where are my shoes?” Tae shouted. Namjoon brought it to him.

“Forsake me, tell me! What happened?” Namjoon shouted.

“Jimin killed Chenyeol!” Namjoon shocked.

“What?” Namjoon shouted. V put his shoes on and ran to the car. He forgot about his fever and
Namjoon too.

“Wait… Me too come!” Namjoon opened the car door and got in. Tae quickly started the car
and drove fast. He got a call to Jimin while driving to find him.

“Forsake me Jimin, tell me! Where are you now?”
On the other hand, Jimin is crying like a hell.

“Darling, tell me!”
Jimin told the place where is he now. Tae came to the place within 8 minutes. He ran to the
building and first he saw Jimin.
“Jimin-ah…” Tae shouted. Jimin’s eyes are swollen.
“Don’t come to me!” Jimin cried hard. V knelt down closer to Jimin and started to cry.
“You did well, Jimin-ah…! Now please disappear! No one knows about this, please! I swear! I
will protect you! Trust me forsake me!” Tae cried loud. Jimin too cried back. Namjoon widened
his eyes at Chenyeol’s dead body. ‘Whoa, Jimin!’
“I am scared!” Jimin hummed. Tae got up and grabbed Jimin’s hand.
“Don’t be! It’s 1.00a.m. Quickly come on!” Tae pulled Jimin into his car and started the car.
“Are you ok?” Namjoon looked at the back seat. Jimin nodded. After 12 minutes, they arrived.
“Come on…!” Tae got off from the car and hid Jimin’s face from his both hands.
“Did you turn off CCTVs?” Tae looked at Namjoon. He nodded. They went to their apartment.


Guys, only one chapter left. 😭😀💜

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