Chapter 23

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“Ah… it’s fine!” Suga smiled.

“He got high pressure! That’s why!” doctor said and Jimin looked at V.

“So?” Jimin waited for an answer. Doctor smiled.

“He will be fine. He must rest now! Come here at 6.00p.m.!” doctor said. Jimin bowed at him and sat near V. He slowly grabbed V’s hand.

“Tell me, what happened? See! I am worrying about you brat!” Jimin hummed. V didn’t open his eyes.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

“Hello, Mr. Park!” Namjoon opened the door of the staff room. Jimin made his throat.

“Hi, Mr. Namjoon! So, can I come in?” he asked politely. Namjoon let him to come in. Jimin entered and looked around. ‘Nice room!’ he thought.

“So?” Namjoon went to his seat. Jimin didn’t sit.

“Can I know about, what happened to V?” Namjoon looked at Jimin.

“Why? Anything happened?” Namjoon shocked. Jimin made his eyes small and looked at him carefully.

“He is in our hospital… because of high pressure!” finally, Jimin said. Namjoon got up.

“What?” Jimin couldn’t tell anything before Namjoon ran to outside. ‘What the fuck is that?’ Jimin also ran behind him. All the students were widened their eyes. English master and Park Jimin both were running like two horses. Finally, Namjoon entered to the hospital. He is in staff so he can but, Jimin can’t. So,
Jimin sat on a bench until he comes. Namjoon asked for see V and he got the chance. V is lying on the bed and Namjoon went near to him.

“Hey…” Namjoon grabbed V’s hand. V didn’t open his eyes. Some tears were fallen down on Namjoon’s face.

“God…! Get up!” Namjoon pushed his face on V’s chest and cried loud. He can hear V’s heartbeat and V’s clothes were got wet because of Namjoon’s tears.

“I am sorry!” Namjoon hummed but, V didn’t open his eyes…

After 20 minutes, Namjoon came outside. Jimin got up and ran to him.

“How is he?” Jimin’s first question was that. Namjoon shook his head and Jimin looked at him carefully.

“Did you cry or?” Jimin asked and again Namjoon shook his head. He left Jimin.
‘Why was that?’ Jimin thought.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

While that, Suga, Jin and Jungkook were in a deep conversation.

“Thanks for the coffees!” Jin smiled. Jungkook smiled back and kept his both hands on the table.

“First lesson is over… If you start the first conversation with Jimin you should buy him a coffee first! It’s his favorite!” Suga said. Jungkook nodded.

“He doesn’t like noises… So, you have to practice to talk with him in low volume voice!” Jin looked at Suga. Suga grabbed Jungkook’s hand. Jungkook got his memory note book and wrote down them all.

“Sure, so third?” Jungkook waited for the reply but suddenly, Jimin was there. Jungkook slowly closed his book and smiled at him.

“Third?” Jimin repeated it. Jungkook looked down.

“We were talked about our essays!” Suga changed their topic. Jimin sat near to them.

“Fine…” Jimin hummed and grabbed his face. Jungkook looked at him.

“What’s wrong?” Jungkook hummed. Jimin shook his head and sighed.

“No need to hide…” Suga said. Jimin sat properly and made his throat.

“Namjoon…” Jimin said. Jin looked at Suga. They all were looked at each other.

“What’s with him?” Jungkook asked. Jimin licked his own lips.

“I met him after V admitted to the hospital…” Jimin started his story.

“Why you went?” Suga asked. Jimin sighed.

“It’s because V fainted, he was there with Namjoon!” Jimin hummed. Jin and Suga both were widened their eyes.

“What?” Suga grabbed his hair. Jimin nodded.

“After I said him that, V was hospitalized, he ran… So, I too followed him! I couldn’t enter but he could! After about 20minutes, he came back and also seems he was cried!” Jimin said. Suga laughed.

“No way…” Suga smirked. Jimin grabbed Suga’s hand and looked straightly.

“You know about me… I saw that! It can’t be wrong!” Jimin said. Suga gulped. Jungkook sighed.

“Let’s check it out!” Finally, Jin said.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

Borahae guys....
Love ya all...💜❤💜❤💜❤

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