Chapter 15

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“J…Jungkook!” Jimin hummed. V looked at Jimin. What’s wrong with him?


“Jimin?” V grabbed Jimin’s hand. Jimin is still frozen.

“Ha… Hu…” J Hope started to laugh. Suga and Jin did the same. V looked at them. What the fuck happened to them? V smirked. Suga signed V to laugh. V looked at Jimin and started to laugh hard without any reason. Jackson is also laughing and while that he looked at Jungkook. Jungkook was like a statue.

“Hey, come in!” J Hope shouted. Jimin looked down and broke the eye contact.
Jungkook gulped. Fine, Jackson… What did you do to me? He thought. Jackson pulled him in and closed the door.

“Wanna drink something?” J Hope asked. Jungkook gulped. His throat is dry like a dessert. Yes! Want something Jungkook!

“Yes, please! Anything!” Jungkook said. J Hope went to the kitchen. Jackson looked at Jungkook.

“Ha-ha… Kook! Sit down! Come here!” Jungkook went near to Jackson and sat on the couch. Still Jimin is looking down and drawing circles on the floor by his toe. Jungkook looked at Jackson.

“Are you happy?” Jungkook hummed into Jackson’s ear. Jackson grabbed Jungkook’s hand.

“Bit! This is a new chance!” Jungkook hit to Jackson’s head.

“Ouch!” Jackson groaned. Jungkook smirked at him and looked at Jimin. He is super-savage now! But bit cool and cute! Cheeks are chubby and pink. Lips are rosy plump lips. His body is tiny but well built! May be from gym. J Hope came with a juice. Jungkook thanked and got it.

“So, what gonna we do, now?” J Hope again sat on the couch.

“Let’s play a game!” Jackson shouted. Jimin eye rolled. Now, this is the kids’ time! Shit!

“What type?” V asked. Jimin surprised. What the fuck?

“Hide and seek!” Suga gave an idea. Wow! Super idea! Is he mad? Jin clapped.

“That’s nice!” Jimin kept his hand on his cheek. Well! Jin is the eldest one among us. But now! Huh! God save us please!

“Ok, then catcher is you!” Jackson showed V from his finger.

“W…What? Why me?” V asked. Jimin smirked. Now play V! Shit!

“It’s because you have many wrong things… should apologize!” Jackson said. V smiled. He can understand now.

“Fine, I’ll count to 20…” V stood up and went near the door. Jimin widened his eyes.

“Wait! What?” all were gone. Jimin hasn’t any ideas. He looked everywhere. V is close now!

“5…4…3…2…1…0…! I’ll come” V opened his eyes. Wow! Jimin also disappeared. V smiled at himself.

V slowly went to the kitchen because he knows that’s the J Hope’s precious place. Found!

“You sit there!” V pushed J Hope to the couch.

“Ouch!” the sound came. V smirked. Fine! There is another.

“Get up, J Hope!” V said. J Hope stood up and Jackson was under the couch.

“Found Jackson and J Hope! Where are you, four?” V went like a caterpillar. He knew that Suga and Jin will in the same place because ah… that’s them!

“Found!” V pulled them out from the bathroom. Suga smiled.

“Seem they are going to fuck, shit!” J Hope laughed.

“Found Jin and Suga too!” V ran to upstairs. No lights were there. Where are you Jimin? Shit!

Borahae 💜️💜️💜️

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