Chapter 69

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“Don’t be afraid!” Jin said but, his heart is shouting. ‘SOMETHING IS HAPPENING!’


V and Namjoon went on a trip to Russia. They didn’t know anything about their friends. V and
Namjoon are enjoying well and their lives also spending like a golden river.
“Can you massage me?” Namjoon sat near to V. V nodded.
“It’s my pleasure!” V started to massage.
“Did you chat with Jimin?” Namjoon grabbed his own thighs.
“But he didn’t reply me yet!” V said. Namjoon sighed.
“May be he is busy with his boyfriend!” V nodded.
“I really can’t understand Jimin!” Namjoon said. V sighed.
“I am his bestie! At least I couldn’t understand him too!” V kissed on Namjoon’s forehead. V
slowly put his hand on Namjoon’s pants and started to massage his member.
“You are good at this!” Namjoon lay down on V’s lap and closed his eyes.
“Try not to get turn on!” V speed up his massaging.
∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
Jungkook arrived to his home. He parked the car and got off. Jimin is still sleeping. Jungkook
brought him to the house and closed the door. He didn’t let him to get up. So, he brought him
to Jimin’s room. Jimin is groaning like a hell. Jungkook put him on the bed and switched on the
Air Conditioner. Then, he removed his own jacket and Jimin’s too. Then, he sat near to Jimin.
Jimin is lying on the bed and he is full dope. Jungkook wants to hug with him badly but, no…!
“Jungkook-ah!” Jimin woke up and started to hum.
“We had arrived hyung!” Jungkook said. Jimin smiled. ‘That smile!’ Jungkook thought.
“Water…” Jimin hummed. Jungkook got up and brought him a glass of water.
“Be careful!” Jungkook helped him to drink it.
“Thank you!” Jimin again lay down on the bed. Jungkook kept his hand on Jimin’s head and
drove his fingers through his hair.
“You are so cute!” Jungkook said. Jimin laughed.
“I Know! I had born like that!” Jungkook smiled.
“You are correct!” Jungkook said.
“Jungkook, do you really love me?” Jimin turned to him. Jungkook nodded.
“Hyung, you are so mess because of the dope! Now rest!” Jungkook got up from the bed but,
suddenly Jimin sat on the bed.
“Do you want to leave me?” he asked. Jungkook stopped and widened his eyes. He looked at
Jimin. Jimin is so hot now. His face and lips are like cherries now. Jungkook gulped.
“Hyung…” Jungkook again sat on the bed. Jimin grabbed Jungkook’s hand.
“I lost everything in my life! I destroyed my life! I hate that brat! I am so fucking mess with you!”
Jimin shouted. ‘So fucking mess with me?’ Jungkook widened his eyes.
“Hyung, you must rest now!” Jungkook tried to stand up but, suddenly Jimin pulled Jungkook
and hugged him. Jungkook shocked. His heart is gonna stuck now.
“Hyung…” he hummed. Jimin’s heartbeat is hard.
“Jungkook! You messed my life!” Jimin groaned.
“Hyung, what are you talking about?” Jungkook pulled away his body from Jimin’s body. Jimin
licked his own lips.
“Jungkook… I want it…!” Jimin hummed. Jungkook raised his brows.
“What?” Jungkook asked. Jimin grabbed Jungkook’s shirt collar and pulled him.
“I am sorry!” Jimin said. After that, Jungkook felt that Jimin’s lips on his lips. Jimin didn’t move
them. So, Jungkook started to move his lips and he grabbed Jimin’s hips tightly. Jimin stayed
like a statue. Suddenly, Jimin broke the kiss.
“That’s enough! Don’t kiss me again! Go now!” Jimin fell on to the bed. Jungkook sighed.
“Good night, hyung!” Jungkook switched off the lights and left the room.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


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