Chapter 53

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“Ouch!” Jimin pushed him away. V widened his eyes. ‘My Jimin got changed!’ he thought.
At dinner, Jimin sat on his bed.
“Did anyone stay here, last night?” Jimin looked around. V licked own lips.
“Ah… um…” V dumbed. Jimin raised his left brow and looked at V again.
“Namjoon?” Jimin asked. V nodded and knelt down in front of Jimin.
“Sorry… Jimin” V said. Jimin tried to get angry but, he couldn’t.
“Ah… It’s ok!” Finally, Jimin said. V widened his eyes. ‘What? Jimin is ok?’
“Eh… Don’t you scold me?” V asked and Jimin laughed. Then, Jimin grabbed V’s ear tightly.
“Ouch!” V shouted. Jimin made his mouth in V shape.
“You should punish by me. So, make me more ramen to eat! Go!” Jimin pushed V and V went to
the kitchen quickly. ‘What the hell, happened to him? How did he be like that?’ V thought.
Anyway, that Jimin was so cool.
“Anyway I love it!” V hummed.
∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
“Tomorrow is the day!” Suga had done with his cooking. He removed his apron.
“Hm… Good smell! My lovely chef!” Jin hugged him tightly.
“Aigoo… Let me finish this!” Suga shouted. After that, they both were started to eat.
“I don’t know, what will happen to Taehyung!” Suga got some pasta to his plate.
“Hm… Poor him!” Jin grabbed his knife and cut his chicken leg.
“Seriously, what do you think about Jungkook and Jimin today?” Jin smiled.
“I saw… that’s the point!” Jin laughed. Suga got a deep breathe.
“Seriously, Jimin is not like that type person, right? He fought! With Kai because of Jungkook!”
Suga said.
“Hm… May be they are in a relationship then…” Jin got some water.
“Fuck you… Don’t you know about Jimin-ah?” Suga grabbed Jin’s nose. It turned to red.
“Ouch!” Jin hit on Suga’s hand and Suga smiled.
“Keep your plate in the sink, I will wash it!” Suga got up from the chair and went to the kitchen.
Jin kept his hand under his cheek.
“Jimin… I can’t understand you!” Jin hummed.
∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
The day came. Namjoon was ready to go! Jimin was in a big trouble. It’s a headache.
“How? How can I bear this?” V cried loud. Jimin hugged him tightly.
“Sh… V!” Jimin kept his chin on V’s head. He can felt V’s warm tears.
“Jimin… If you are me, what will you do?” V looked at Jimin. V’s face was red. Jimin sighed. He
reminded about Jungkook.
“If I were you, I would have hugged him tight and cry as I can!” Jimin said. V widened his eyes.
Suddenly, someone knocked at the door.
“Come in!” Jimin said. J Hope and Taemin came inside.
“Let’s go!” Taemin came near to V and grabbed V’s hand. V stood up and Jimin too. It is a
Saturday. So, no one can complain about them. They came out from the hostel and Jimin
looked at outside. There is a van and then they all were got on to that. Namjoon was in front
seat and Jin was in the driving seat. Jimin sat properly and he felt that someone’s hand was
under his butt. He looked at that. Whoa… Jungkook!
“AH… sorry!” Jimin got his hand free from his own butt. Jungkook smiled.
“That’s fine… you are not heavy that much!” Jungkook smiled cutely. Jimin nodded and kept his
head on the seat head. He felt that he started to blush. ‘God… Jimin stop!’
There were no talks in the van. Only V’s sobbing sounds. After an hour, they came to the airport.
All were got off from the van but, V wasn’t.
“Hey, come on!” Taemin shouted and pulled him.
“Let me to stay here!” V said. Namjoon looked at V and entered to the van. Taemin closed the
door. All were stayed around the van like life body guards.
“Darling…” Namjoon kept his hand on V’s thigh. V started to cry.
“Have a safe flight baby!” V hugged him tightly. He reminded that what Jimin said.
“I have a surprise baby! At first, stop crying!” Namjoon wiped his tears and V gulped.
“What…?” V looked at Namjoon. Namjoon got two air tickets from his wallet.
“You should come with me!” V shocked. He felt that all the earth was stopped.
“Hyung…” V hugged Namjoon. Namjoon kissed his forehead.
“Let’s go, dude!” Namjoon pulled him and opened the door of the van. V is still crying but, for
his happiness. All were clapped, when they came out.
“Congratulations!” J hope grabbed V’s shoulder. V smiled.
“Now, I will get alone!” Jimin hummed. V turned to him.
“I will come soon but, don’t stay alone! Go home…!” V brushed Jimin’s hair. Jimin sighed.
“Have a safe flight then…!” All were shouted. Namjoon and V both were bowed to them.
“Jungkook shii, please protect my Jimin!” V shouted.
“Oh, shit!” Jimin smirked and slowly looked at Jungkook. He is smiling like an angel.
“Sure!” he shouted. They both went.
“Finally, V also left!” Suga got on to front seat. Jimin sighed.
“Please, turn this van to the dark mode! I am so fucking sleepy!” J Hope shouted. Jin turned on
the dark mode.
“Radio on!” Jungkook said. Taemin and J Hope were in back seats and Jungkook and Jimin were
in middle.
‘What the fucking song is that?’ Jimin thought. ‘Tell me why you wanna be bad? Sweating while
you calling me daddy! WTF! Call me daddy?’ Jimin closed his eyes. It’s like a crazy gay song.
“That’s nice!” Taemin slowly said.
“18+ song!” Jungkook laughed. Jimin looked at him. Jungkook is super-hot in dark. He is closing
his eyes, humming the melody… Jimin gulped. ‘STOP THINKING!’
Suddenly, Jungkook’s head fell down. Yeah! He is sleeping! His head gonna dash to the window.
Jimin quickly kept his hand and pushed it to the seat. That time, his head fell on to the Jimin’s
shoulder. Jimin didn’t do anything. Jungkook is taller than Jimin. So, now Jungkook’s face is near
to Jimin’s neck. Jimin can feel Jungkook’s breathing. It’s warm and lovely breathing. Jimin closed
his eyes.
“Tell me, do you wanna be bad, babe!”
∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


Guys, finally V too left with Namjoon... it's a relief tho.. but, I'll publish about their tour too. By the way, there's a song I've mentioned here. The name of the song is Feel It by Jaquees Floyd or someone like that. Not sure about the artist. Check it out if you want guys!

For Sake Me Pt.1 [JIKOOK] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now