The Cattle Drive

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Y/n's p.o.v

I looked at my phone as we walked through the main park walking to the long line of gyrosphere valley, We cut through the line with our bands as we waited for a gyrosphere. I looked at Zach as him and Gray had their own little conversation. A gyrosphere pulled up as we walked up to it, Zach and Gray got in as I looked puzzled.

"How am I going to fit?" I asked curiously as Gray moved over in his seat letting me sit beside him. I smiled to him sitting down as the doors shut holding us inside the hamster ball. Zach used the controls as we began moving around. I looked straight ahead in awe at the groups of herbivores that surrounded us.

We sped up as some of the dinosaurs began to ran. I smiled at this as I looked at a couple Ankylosaurs when we came to a stop.

"Dude. Off-Road" Zach said as I looked forward at the broken open gate, This won't end well.. I thought to myself as Gray shook his head Zach pulling foward.

"Zach I don't think this is a good idea.." I informed him as he just rolled his eyes.

"Yeah well, I'm just worried your not getting the full Jurassic world experience" Zach told us. He began moving the gyrosphere forward as Gray and I looked ahead in fear.

"No, No, Bad idea.. Bad idea!" I said

"Great idea!" Zach replied

"No! We're gonna get arrested, they'll shave our heads.. And we're gonna have to make root beer in the toilet" Gray said as Zach and I just looked rather confused at each other

"What are you talking about?" Zach asked looking at Gray, "There, see I told you. Up close and personal with four dino-saurus" Zach said as we stopped at a few Ankylosaurs.

"Ankylosaurs. We shouldn't be here, and there's five dinosaurs" Gray said as I looked around petrified in fear. 'There's a dinosaur right behind us' I shuddered myself

"Aren't you supposed to be a genius or something? See look, One Two, Three, Four" Zach said pointing to them as the Anklyosaurs looked at the dinosaur behind us, I pointed out the one reflecting on the glass.

"Five.." I said with a shaken voice.

We slowly looked behind us as the almost white creature roared behind us spooking the dinosaurs in front as we all quickly tried grabbing the controls

"Go! Go! Go!!" Gray yelled as we moved forward

"Shit!" Zach yelled as he tried to move forward

The Indominous ran to the Anklyosaurs as it pushed us aside, Zach held Gray's hand since he was crying as I moved the gyrosphere getting hit by the tail of one of the Anklyosaurs. Our gyrosphere flipped over as we looked at each other, I looked at Zach and my phones on the ground as I watched the horrific dinosaur was distracted so I went and grabbed the phones hearing a loud 'CRUNCH' and a whimper from Gray.

"We're safe here right..?" Gray asked

"Yeah totally safe" Zach said as I felt Zach and my phones vibrate. I reached down trying to grab it, my fingers grazing the phones. "Almost got it.." I said as Gray shook my arm "Look" I looked forward staring at the giant amber colored eyes looking right at us.

We all held still looking at the eye as it slowly pulled away standing back up. She slowly turned the gyrosphere as we looked around scared. We were slowly rolled up as a giant claw went through the glass. We were being examined by the giant dinosaur as we looked scared. She moved her head around as she slowly opened her jaw as we began to scream while the Indominus tried to eat the gyrosphere.

Her teeth went through the glass multiple shards hitting us as she began to slam us against the ground, Gray still screaming as I fell out staying close to the ground, Zach unbuckled him and Gray as they landed beside me, It slammed over us and when it came back up we stood up and ran. We heard lots of glass as we just ran out of the trees and through to a clearing where we just kept running in fear

We kept running as the boys skid to a stop, I didn't notice the drop off into the water as Zach grabbed me before I fell. I looked at the two as we looked back at the Indominus "We have to jump!" I told them grabbing their hands.

"We can't!" Gray said with fear.

"We have too, Ready one..! Two..!" Zach said as I pulled everyone back the Indominus just about to eat us

"Three!!" I yelled as Gray screamed all of us hitting the freezing cold water with a big splash. Gray tried to swim up as we Zach held him underwater pointing to the Indominus which was still there as we eventually came up for air once she left. "Guys we need to get back to camp" I said as we pulled ourselves up the muddy slope.

"No, We need to find Aunt Claire then we go back to camp" Gray said.

I shook my head "Let's find everyone else then find Claire" I said Zach agreeing with me

"We'll be better in a group, that way we know where to go" Zach said as Gray nodded

We got up and looked around. "Let's go this way, we keep walking straight theirs bound to be something" Gray said as we began to walk slowly since we were all tired.

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