Out of the Pack

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Y/n's p.o.v

I stumbled through the forest looking for sticks with Almond as he helped me walk. "If we could just make some kind of makeshift crutches it would keep you off that ankle" He said. He sat me against a rock as we tied the sticks we had together. They resembled crutches in a way as I stood up seeing if they could hold my weight.  "I definitely wasn't expecting that" Almond said as I nodded. Using the crutches we made our way back to the penthouse where Kenji was making Toro play a game for some meat.

"These little pests are everywhere!" I stared at the compys that ran past my feet. "They also have venom in their bites so I would be cautious" Mae said. We looked at the helicopter that went overhead as dad looked at the investor and Mae. "We shouldn't keep him waiting" Dad turned to Mae with a look. "You should go too"

She stared at the four of us, Dad looking at Almond. "Run along with" They stared at us puzzled "alright then.." Mae said as she and Almond began walking. Dad spoke with Kenji as I borrowed the controller from Kenji lowering Toro so I could sit up on her again.

I held the crutches in front of me as i handed the controller to Kenji once Dad and him stopped talking. Kenji walking beside dad forced Toro to walk behind as I rubbed her burnt skin, one of her eyes met mine as I smiled. We stopped at the dock, Kenji lowering Toro. I put the crutches under my armpits as I stabled myself before standing beside Kenji. "Be on your best. Behavior Y/n." Dad said with a stern voice. "Dad are you serious? I'm always on my best! Kenji is the one that-" Dad put a hand up as I looked confused. "Don't bring Kenji into your mistakes now be quiet." I rolled my eyes as I stared at the man who was more interested in the dinosaur then us.

He walked past us all and stared at Toro with a smile. "Great" he said as Toro snorted. "This is great!" He smiled before turning to us. "So?" He asked as Kenji nervously walked up with the controller. "Meet... Toro!" Kenji smiled making Toro run back and in a circle doing party tricks for Dodgson. He stopped her at a roar before he took the controller out of Kenji's hands. "Uh-?" Dodgson already using the controllers smiled "May I?" He stated making Toro meet down to his face.

"Molina he talked quite highly about your tech, Kon and let me tell you. That's rare" He said as I rolled my eyes. "What can I say? I'm not easy to please" She seethed. "Look like it's been through a lot. No matter. It'll do fine" Dodgson spoke softly. "Do fine for what?" Mae asked confused. "Biosyn has put a lot of money into dinosaurs, Then this place crashed and burned and now we look like fools." He said to her. "We have to prove to the world that dinosaurs aren't the bad investment, Masrani and Hammond were."

"When the world sees a mighty Carnotaurus eating right out of your hand, I think you'll prove your point. So, do we have a deal?" Dad asked rubbing Toro's chin. "Not yet." He said pulling off his bag. "I've got a wishlist of dinosaurs, help me retrieve these, and prove this tech of yours works on them. Then, you'll have yourself a deal" He said handing me the paper as I took it leaning on one of the crutches.

"A Dimorphodon, okay.. A carnotaurus. An herbivore of some kind-" I said Kenji looking at Dodgson. "Something not too frightening. For the kids" he nodded as I kept reading. "No problem, Raptor? Sorry- Lewis. But no can do. Although we've gone Mano a Mano with our fair share of those point teethed creatures why aren't the eaisest to catch and even then there are better dinosaurs then them." I said making Dodgson glare. "Well then. Dinosaur expert. What do you recommend?" He asked as I looked at the forest. "I recommend a Baryonx. Long snout will stick out more and bring in more to study, The glowing Parasaurolophus would also be a good choice considering children like things that keep the night bright."

Dodgson raised an eyebrow as I continued. "You'll want to stay clear of hearing dinosaurs like Ankylosaurs and Stegosaurus. They get territorial and the apatosaurus would be a good one but due to its size I don't recommend." I said turning to him as he nodded. "Well I'll ask for the expert when I need it. But for now. Stick to the list." He said with a smile as I rolled my eyes. "I also don't need directions from a couple of children" He said as Dad shook his head.

"They know the dinosaurs and the island. Something we don't. We need them" Dad said.

"Like the back of my hand!" Kenji said. I followed behind after everyone on the crutches, Kenji walking beside me as I looked at him. "Bumpy, D/F/N, Blue, Chaos, They're all in danger here, we have to do something Kenj." I said as he nodded. "I know but we have to keep pretending we are with dad- Just until we can get back to our friends." Kenji said as I sighed.

Kenji helped me into the car before he got in as I put the crutches between my legs to reduce the amount of space I took up. I watched out the window as a herd of ankylosaurs went by. "Stop- Stop!" I exclaimed, Kenji helped me out as I left the crutches behind hopping on one leg to look at them. I heard rustling in the bushes as the herd ran away. I was tossed up into the air before landing on the rough head and bumps of Bumpy. "Bumper car!" I exclaimed. "Kenji look! Bumpy has gotten so big since we left!" I laughed as Kenji hugged her. She roared happily pounding her feet making me bounce on top of her.

"So this is Bumpy!" Mae said crouching beside Kenji. I adjusted sitting on her back as Mae patted her head. "I've heard such wonderful things about you" Mae said to Bumpy. "Good job kids" Dad said as we looked at the gun pointed at Bumpy's head.

"Dad no-!" I exclaimed holding onto Bumpy. "Kon tell your kids to move" Hawkes said. "Kids stop messing around and get out of the way!" Dad seethed angrily. "Dad you can't! Bumpy isn't going to be one of your puppets it's just not right-" I started but dad slapped my cheek making me be quiet. Pulling me off of Bumpy he pushed me into Almond. "I knew it was a mistake bringing you along, You should've stayed with the rest of the brats"

I stood angrily as he spoke to Kenji who had wide eyes. Dad wrapped his arms around me and Kenji as everyone else got in the car. "You two are embarrassing me." He said before walking to the car. I grabbed my crutches and stood beside Bumpy. Kenji looking at me sadly. "Y/n come on-"

"No! I'm going to stay with Bumpy. I'm too much of an "embarrassment" to be near you all" I said as Kenji sighed getting into the car. The cars pulled away as I stared at Bumpy. "At least I have you" I said with tears in my eyes. I got on her back as she began walking. I let her lead our way wiping my eyes. "Ben misses you old girl, you've even got a sister, her name is Firecracker- oh! You have a 2 sisters, Eggshell and Firecracker. You'd love them." I said feeling tears stream down my face.

Bumpy roared quietly as I laughed a bit "You miss Ben don't you..- Bumper Car where are you taking us?" I asked as she kept walking. "Bumpy?" I asked looking down at her. She kept going as the camp ground came into view. "Oh my gosh! Our home!" I smiled. I grabbed the crutches climbing off Bumpy as I looked around. "This is amazing!" I smiled. "Did you hear that-?" I heard a British voice as I looked around. "Yeah I heard something." I heard someone who sounded like Darius. "Hello!" I shouted. "Hellooo!" I heard a voice that rang a bell but I couldn't place it.

"Dave?!" I shouted. "Y/n!" Roxxie shouted pulling me into a hug. "Oh my gosh you are so fancy!" she smiled. "I was just with my dad" I said as she gasped. "Oh your dad- how was it?" She asked as I sighed. "He slapped me and tried to control Bumpy- it's a long story" I said to her. Dave hugged me tight as I smiled. Looking at the new guy I stuck out my hand. "Y/n Kon, Pleasure to meet you" I said. "Brandon Bowman, But you can call me Bran" He said as I gasped. "Oh you're Darius's older brother!" I smiled. "Darius?! You've seen him- is he here on the island!" He asked as I shook my head. "He's on a remote island right now- It's just me, my family and a bunch of people interested in money and dinosaurs." I said.

"There's another Dino island?" Dave asked as I nodded. "You could follow my dads boat if we get to the docks" I said. "That's a great idea. Let's go!" Roxie said. "I can carry you- you seem like you've walked a lot" Bran said as I smiled. "I would like that, Thank you" I smiled as he picked me up, I left the crutches behind Bumpy walking back into the forest. Then we were off to the docks to go save family and friends.

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