Battle Lines

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Y/n's p.o.v

I stood beside Kenji picking up plates of what remained of Kenji and Brooklynn's date from the night prior, I was in the white shirt and slick pants of my suit since I was suction cupped in my old clothes and the ones Eddie gave me were in the wash. "Look Kenji I'm so sorry i-" Brooklynn started as Kenji spoke looking at the table "Stood me up?"

I turned to her as she spoke again. "I know it looks bad, is bad, but. I had a good reason! Darius, Ben and I found out that your dad freed Kash. And he's got Mae and Almond working with him to perfect Dino control. And they've done it!" Brooklynn said as Kenji turned around fuming with anger but he didn't want to let it out on her. "Are you serious?" He asked. "Yes, which is probably what your dads big presentation today is all about."

"We aren't talking about our dad we're talking about you Brooklynn. Ever since we've gotten here you've been nothing but skeptical and judgmental of our dad. He's done so much to help and you've just kicked him under the rug! Brooklynn you stood Kenji up for some Nancy Drew mystery? That's not justifiable! I don't care what's going on- I don't care about what you found. I care about you ditching my brother's first date with you!" I shouted. I took the plates Kenji had letting them talk it out as I brought them to sink, pushing past Yaz and Ben. "It's not like that. She tried getting back but there were.. obstacles." Ben added. "So instead of telling us you go behind our backs? That's not okay!" Kenji and I both spoke.

"Ill go talk to him" Kenji said as I put the silverware down. "I'll go too" I said following behind him just as upset as he was. "For the record. You guys just try to find any way to pin everything on someone else. There's no solving anything it's just digging up the past" Kenji said as I held open the door for him, slamming it behind me.

We walked out into the forest meeting dad under a tent where food and drinks were behind us. I sat beside Eddie who was scrolling in an iPad checking up on biomes as dad changed the weather. "Amazing isn't it?" He asked as Kenji nodded. "Yeah. Totally." Kenji said as Dad sat in front of us on the low table. "What's on your mind son?" Dad asked as Kenji spoke. "My friends said they saw Kash working with Mae on controlling dinosaurs" Kenji said looking at me as I nodded. "Is it true?" I asked as Dad sighed.

"It's true." He said looking ashamed. "You both met the investors, we need to show them something game changing otherwise we're out of business, And this whole sanctuary would be gone, without someone to feed the dinosaurs they wouldn't last very long now would they?" Dad asked as we looked up in worry. "I guess not" Kenji said looking at the ground. "When I explained that reality to Mae, she agreed to let Kash use her and Almonds research. But I don't want just you and Mae on board I want you twins on board, too. Especially since we will be building the further of Mantah Corp."

"You want us to work with you?" We asked excitedly standing up. "Of course I do, It'd be nice if your friends trusted me like you kids do." Dad said "Don't worry they'll come around dad" I said as Dad crossed his arms. "That wasn't the impression that I got when your girlfriend and the Gutierrez girl broke into my office and your boyfriend and his friends went rummaging in my personal belongings" Dad said as we looked shocked. "They did what?" I asked as he nodded. "They didn't tell you? Guess they don't trust either of us very much. I know they're your friends, I don't know hot I convince them to trust me."

"You're our dad. You shouldn't have to convince them of anything" Kenji said as I nodded in agreement. We walked back to the compound walking to the main room. "Why would they do that-! It's not like then to do that- maybe dad lied" I said as Kenji shook his head "He's telling the truth, that explains why Brooklynn has been so suspicious."

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