Beneath the Surface

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Y/n's p.o.v
I hummed sitting beside Zach as we ate some berries "Are we really off the island? Or is this a dream!" Sammy said standing beside Yaz.

"If it was a dream, I'd think we'd have different clothes" Yaz added to her girlfriends comment.

"What do you mean? I've always wanted a signature look!" Ben continued striking a pose making all of us laugh.

I looked at Darius and Brooklynn who were looking up at Kenji, Brooklynn walked off as I heard the engines stop, Kenji and Brooklynn walked out as Kenji sat beside me.

He kept a stern glaring look at Darius as Ben walked out holding a plate "And now! For the main course.. The plumpest.. and the juiciest.. Nublar Grubs!" Showing everyone the plate of worms making us all gag, He put the plate in me and Sammy's face as we both took one.

"Well the least I can do is keep an open mind.." Sammy said nervously.

I put the bug in my mouth eating it as I glanced at Sammy who looked about ready to throw up. She shook her head as it left her hand landing on Yaz, Yaz screamed brushing it off her as it landed on Darius. He screamed as I picked it up off him

"How you guys survived I'll never know" I said as Gray snatched the bug from my hand willing to try it, He put it in his mouth eating it as Ben smiled. I walked down the boat hall as everyone talked, I hummed hearing clicking, I glanced around the other hall looking at a compy eating some grubs and berries. Yaz ran over and tried to catch the creature, I felt it run under my feet as I chased after it with the help of everyone else besides Brooklynn, Kenji, and Darius.

Ben ran ahead as I tossed a bucket to him, He ran and almost trampled Brooklynn knocking the bucket on Darius's head. The compy ran on the table Yaz and Sammy trying to corner it as Zach and I ran up the stairs to the chairs where the compy jumped to, Gray jumping through the chairs his hand grazing it's tail, Zach and I running into each other trying to catch it. It ran along the side of the balcony running down the hall, We all stood up looking at each other.

We walked down the hall as Zach and Gray searched in the water in case it fell, Ben and I following Darius although I wasn't on good terms with him. "Ben, Y/n you go guard the food" we nodded and ran back to the table picking up the food and plates putting it into bags. We spotted the compy as we all were circled around it

"Ben. Distract it" Darius said holding a bucket. I was crouched about ready to pounce on it like a cat. Ben dropped some berries as we were about ready to catch it when the boat shook we all fell over as I knocked my face against the floor yelping quickly in pain. I looked up confused.

"Uh guys! What's happening!?" Ben asked up to Kenji and Brooklynn.

"Propellers jammed, Someone's got to go down and check it out" Kenji told us.

"Captain thinks we're stuck in kelp, Where there's a kelp forest, There are usually sharks" Everyone's mood changed no one wanting to do anything with the water.

"Sharks?! I'll pass.. saw this movie as a kid that really messed me up for life.." Yaz said.

"I'll do it." I said shrugging "I love sharks, They are usually pretty tame creatures" I explained. I tied a rope around my waist Yaz tying it to the boat, I looked at her as she was anxious for me.

"Are you sure you want to go alone?" She asked as I nodded

"I'll be fine, Just be ready to pull me up" I tugged my shoes off setting them down. I looked at Ben and Yaz who held the rope then at Brooklynn, I took a big breath jumping into the water. I opened my eyes feeling a wave a pain I shook it off pulling the kelp off the propeller. I thought of a tune in my head to keep myself busy. I swam back up gasping for air, my hair covering my face giving a thumbs up to everyone swiping my hair away

"She's up!" Yaz yelled.

"The propeller was stuck in kelp" I explained "Tell Kenji' to try it now. I'll stay in the water just in case" Brooklynn nodded running off, I treaded in the water as the boat moved forward. I made faces to Sammy with a laugh to pass the time.

"There's something in the water! It's headed this way!" Brooklynn shouted as Yaz and Ben started tugging me in. I began swimming towards the boat feeling the kelp run across my feet. I kept swimming, Darius, Sammy, Zach and Gray standing with fear all of them running to help pull me in.

I looked back behind me with fear seeing the fin as it swam closer and closer to me. I heard something bigger echo in the water.. I knew I was in more danger than before.. I knew that echo..

I swam as fast as I could grabbing Ben's hand but it slipped my foot caught on kelp that was latched too tight for me to pull away from. I felt the rope snap as I was dropped into the water. I looked around and was able to pull myself away from the kelp feeling teeth of the shark pierce my skin, I kicked in the nose swimming as fast as I could feeling Zach's arm wrap around me pull me up, I kept my arm in the water hoping to god that it wasn't too bad of a bite.

I looked back and screamed clinging to Zach's arm as the mosasaur gulped up the shark, Zach helped me swim quickly getting us to the boat. Ben hugged me quickly tears in his eyes.

"Uh.. Y/n.." Sammy asked looking at the red water that dripped from my arm. Ben quickly looked at it, my entire forearm was drenched in blood multiple teeth marks in my skin.

I felt the boat move, Ben pulling off his bandana wrapping it around my arm since we didn't have any form of bandages.

Zach and I stood up as I felt my bare feet leave the ground being launched across the boat. I stood up quickly running back grabbing Gray's hand who had gotten his head slammed against the ladder.

Gray shook my arm as I looked confused turning my head around we both screamed as we were met with the teeth of the Mosasaur right in front of us. It tugged on the boat as I grabbed a paddle whacking it around the eye area making it pull away aggressively then slammed its jaw closed to us, I watched my shoes fall into its mouth as I glared all of us petrified with fear. "I thought we were done with dinosaurs!" Yaz yelled.

We all began running as I felt the ground shift. I slid hitting the wall beside me the boat ripped sideways. I walked over the the steps standing on the edge of the chair holding Gray's hand who was shaking like a leaf. We were knocked forward, Gray and I getting our heads dunked in the water someone grabbing our ankles pulling us up quickly.

We held onto the railing as the mosasaur slammed the boat underneath us the ground leaving our feet once again as he were up in the air before dropping again.

Zach grabbed Gray's and my hand as it seemed quiet. "Is it gone..?" Darius stuttered out.

Just then, the mosasaur pulled out of the water slamming on the boat.. the boat cracked and we fell in the water.. I felt the hands of Zach and Gray leave mine my vision going black.

I felt a cold rigid feeling on my back as well as the cold sea at my feet, I sat up groaning feeling sand under my hands, I looked confused and looked around seeing two passed out Mitchell's but not another soul. I nudged the boys as they sat up quickly spitting up water.

I looked at the bandana around my arm seeing as it was filling up with blood. I coughed as we stood up looking around "Where is everyone.."
I asked as we held onto each other shivering with cold as we walked up to a cave behind us, "Maybe they went in there?" Gray asked. Walking into the darkness where is still was freezing.

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