The Art of Chill

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Y/n's p.o.v

"Come on Ben it's my turn to ride on Bumpy's back!" Gray whined

"I'm tired let me sleep!" Ben laid sprawled out on Ben's back as he yawned shutting his eyes. We kept walking as I put my hand on Bumpy's snout making her stop. I looked at a veterinarian district with a smile, I grabbed Ben's hand pulling him off of Bumpy

"Ow!" He said hitting his head on the ground as I looked around looking at the footprints on the ground

"Our friends! They've been here!" I shouted, Ben walked over looking at the ground

"There was also some dinosaurs too" Ben pointed to other foot prints. I  looked and walked around the district.

"Well let's get some supplies we might need them later" Zach said as they opened up some boxes and crates.

"Most of this stuff is gone!" Gray shouted as we kept looking around. We looked around in fear hearing a loud humming noise.

"What is that?" Gray asked. I began to walk as followed the him slowly. Bumpy drowning out a majority of the sound as Ben put his hand on her snout to stop her. I took Zach and Gray and kept walking as we found a patch of flowers.

"What the?" I asked myself as I crouched down looking at the frozen flowers. I put my hands over them in confusion as I looked up quickly

"Y/n?" I heard a familiar voice again, Brooklynn..

"Hey Brooklynn" I waved as she hugged me before pulling away

"That's so cold!" She shouted as I laughed moving the flowers

"It's a vent dummy, they are keeping something in an embryo down there" I told her as she nodded.

"So you've been out here since we split up at the raptor pen?" Brooklynn asked.

"Yes, For the millionth time Brooklynn" I said annoyed, The boys and I were laying on the ground tired of Brooklyn's constant queston.

"Okay well what about-"

"Enough questions Brooklyn! You need to get back to the others" Zach said, Brooklyn jumped back in fear as she got up

"Come on Y/n" Brooklyn said walking off assuming I would follow, I stood by the Mitchell's as we began walking back to Ben.

"What took so long ? Did you find the hum?" Ben asked as we nodded.

"We also found Y/n's friend Brooklynn" Gray said as Ben's eyes widened.

"You found them?" Ben asked as we nodded

"Yes, Ben but we only found Brooklynn we didn't see the others" I said as he nodded. We all stopped Bumpy slamming her tail on the ground, and loud roaring and screeching echoed out through the forest.

"What is that..?" Gray asked as everyone turned around hearing growling. D/F/N jumped on top of me and growled looking at me for a moment angrily till finally she began to lick my face like a dog

"Yuck! D/F/N!" I shouted as she stopped licking my face.

"Y/n are you okay!!" Ben asked as I looked up at him

"Yeah I'm good, Let's head back to main street for the night" I said as we all began walking back to main street. I held onto D/F/N humming with a smile as we waited for the T. Rex to go by as we walked back into the resturant and sat down.

"Today was.. Interesting" Zach said as him and Gray sat down at a table, Bumpy and D/F/N laid down by the entrance, Ben and I sitting back at the door where we locked Blue in the kitchen. We all yawned and began falling asleep.

The watering hole

"Let's go boys!" I yelled as I rubbed Bumpy and D/F/N's head as we stood waiting for the boys to wake up. I rolled my eyes as D/F/N roared, Bumpy banging her tail on the ground as it spooked the boys awake. "Let's get a move on!" I shouted as I began walking with Bumpy and D/F/N walking out of main street. The three boys quickly ran and followed. We kept walking until the two dinosaurs ran off, we sprinted after them

"Bumpy come back!!" Ben shouted as we skid to a stop at a clearing in the woods.

"What the..?" Zach asked as there was a ground of dinosaur crowed around something, We slowly began walking to the dinosaurs as we walked between Bumpy and D/F/N looking at a watering hole? We smiled as Ben and I got into the water laughing. Gray and Zach got in as we began splashing each other laughing. We heard loud booms as the water shook, So we stopped and looked at the Ceratosaurs that stopped drinking the water, we just looked at how peaceful all the creatures were being as we smiled.

"Maybe being stuck out here wont be so bad" Gray said as we got out of the water and walked back to the trees sitting down as we yawned.

"Do you guys think we'll ever get home?" Ben asked as I nodded.

"Of course we will, You'll get back to your mom, I'll see Candy again, and you guys will get to see your aunt and your parents" I told the boys as they nodded.

"Yeah, What do you plan on doing when we get back?" Gray asked everyone.

"Well I plan on bathing in hand sanitizer, This place is so unsanitary" Ben said as we all laughed.

"When I get back I want to hug Candy, I'll probably end up having to visit the Malcom's, Mr. Lockwood, and My mom" I said as I yawned.

"You know Mr. Malcom? And Mr. Lockwood?!" Gray asked as I nodded with a smile.

"Ian is my uncle, and Mr. Lockwood worked with my dad" I said with a smile

"Well I plan on visiting you then" Gray said as I laughed.

"Well I plan on seeing Kelly" Zach said as we looked at him confused.

"Kelly is his girlfriend and I'm pretty sure she cheated on him" Gray said whispering to me and Ben as we nodded. Bumpy and D/F/N came back as we looked up.

"More smoke..?" I said as we got up following it again.

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