A Shock to the System

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Y/n's p.o.v

"How are you feeling?" Zach asked as I held my stomach 

"Like I was just jabbed a thosand times with a knife like in a horror movie" I said as he just laughed 

"Well that's better then before?" He said as I just rolled my eyes

"Let's get to the boat while there is a break in the storm" Darius said 

"What about the scorpios?" Brooklyn asked. 

"We've got to risk it" Darius said as eeryone began to grab supplies, I sat with Zach and Gray as they were helping me stand, I struggled to stay standing as I looked around, I quickly latched onto Zach as my feet slipped from underneath me 

"Uh? Y/n?" Zach asked. 

"Sorry, Having a little trouble standing up right" I said as Zach helped me stand up again. 

"If you need another big brother again, You know where to find me" Kenji said as I just looked confused 

"So that's nice..?" Gray said. I stumbled over to D/F/N as I rubbed her head. 

"Hey girl.." I said with a smile. I held onto D/F/N as everyone went searching for Ben. Zach and Gray helped me walk around as I looked around. 

"Bumpy ran off because the scorpios spooked her, Ben is probably going after her" Brooklyn said. 

"Then I'm going after him" Darius said

"Dude!" Kenji said. 

"Anyone else see the irony?" I asked. 

"Fine, Let's go. The sooner we get en, the sooner we get out of here" Brooklyn said walking up to Darius. 

"We can't risk all of us" Darius said looking at her. "The Scorpios is still out there. I'm going alone" 

"Again You don't always have to do everything alone" Brooklyn explained. 

"Get to the boat" Darius said. "If Ben and I aren't there by sunrise well, you know what that means, And you leave with out us"



"No way!" 

Darius gasped looking around "Shh! Over there." He pointed behind us.

"I don't see anything.  Darius? Darius!" Kenji said looking around. 

"Okay yeah.. Picking up on the irony thing you were talking about" Brooklyn said. 

"What do we do now?" Sammy asked standing beside Yaz. 

"We go to the boat.." Kenji said 

I picked up my walkie "Darius? Darius, do you cop-" I heard static on the other side as I cursed under my breath. 

We all began walking, D/F/N walking beside me carefully, Kenji kicked at a rock "Stupid Darius thinking we're gonna stupid leave without him on that stupid boat" Kenji grumbled 

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