Casa De Kon

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Y/n's p.o.v

I sat up rubbing my eyes as I looked around. The dinosaurs were gone, I couldn't see the boat, and Zach and Gray were still sleeping. I groaned and got up "Boys! Let's go!" I shouted while climbing down the cargo holder. The duo quickly woke up and climbed down. I smiled and helped Gray down. "My father has got a penthouse not to far from here, It's got a dock so I'm assuming it's where everyone else is going." I explained to then as Zach nodded 

"Let's get there, There could be some food, water, clean clothes and probably other things we need" We all began walking in the direction of the penthouse. I looked around and heard the screeching again which got the attention of Zach and Gray. 

"What was that..?" Gray asked. 

"It's a dinosaur, Obviously. Nothing to worry about" Zach said as I rolled my eyes. We kept walking for what felt like hours. At one point I had to carry Gray because he refused to walk any more. We eventually made it to the penthouse as I groaned falling to the ground 

"Finally we are here.." I muttered as the other two fell beside me. 

"That was a long walk..." Zach said sounding like the wind had been pushed out of him. I looked up Bumpy looking into an air vent. I got up and walked over to her

 "Hey girl, What's going on? Where is everyone..?" I asked her as she just kept looking into the vent. Zach and Gray walked over as we walked to the front door of the building slowly pushing it open. We looked around and walked in slowly. 

"Where is everyone-" Zach asked as Gray and I shushed him quickly hearing dinosaurs. We looked in the elevator which didn't work as we just slowly began going up the stairs.

No ones p.o.v

The trio walked up the stairs looking around, while up many, many, many more flights of stairs another trio was hearing some dinosaurs inside the building as well. The trio on the stairs stopped dead in their tracks when they were hearing vents banging above their heads. They looked up hearing the same dinosaurs as they booked it sprinting up the stairs as fast as they could. When they made it up the stairs they were faced with an issue. They had a Monolophosaurus in front of them, and a Monolophosaurus running up the stairs behind them. They quickly panicked as they looked up at a vent was open above their heads. Zach jumped up pulling Y/n and Gray up into the vent. 

"That is a Monolophosaurs they normally stay to themselves like loners but this is new.." Y/n explained as the two nodded. They began crawling through the vents slowly trying not to make any noise as they moved around. They heard noises coming from a vent connected to theirs so they held still and held onto each other preparing for a dinosaur, Zach and Gray kicked the first glimps of whatever it was when they saw it as they heard a loud 'Ow!' The trio looked and it happened to be Ben, Yaz, and Sammy and they just kicked them all in the face. 

"Sorry guys.. Thought you were a dinosaur" Gray said as they rubbed their faces just forgiving him. 

"Wait where are Kenji, Brooklynn and Darius?" Zach asked as they all heard another dinosaur as they looked around quickly.

 "Let's keep moving.." Sammy said as they all began slowly walking to the garage since Yaz said they could get gas. Sammy stuck her head out looking around as Y/n glanced over on the other side, the Monolophosaurus's teeth just barley grazing her face. Ben pulled Sammy and Y/n back, Everyone began to scream as Sammy shouted 

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