Chapter 3

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hey guys :) i hope you're liking this story... i'm still trying to come up with what exactly is going to happen, so these first few chapters are basically going to be like them starting to develop feelings for each other... yeah. oh, and about the cover, i have one made, but wattpad won't let me upload it >.< so that's why it is what it is... yeah. oh, and sorry, i was going to upload yesterday, but my dad had surgery and stuff (he had to get his gallbladder removed) so i was helping my aunt who stayed the day with like dinner and such. so yeah, this is why i'm uploading this now. okay, i'll stop talking, i'm really annoying. okay, well ENJOY <3


            I stood in Javaad’s backyard in my denim shorts and pink tank top. I’d been here for a couple hours, and in that time, Javaad tried to teach me how to play soccer, just like he’d promised. Key word, tried. I just could not play though. It was kinda pathetic.

            It was starting to get a bit colder out since it was the middle of September, but I really didn’t care so much. I never got cold.

            I had Javaad’s soccer ball in front of me, but I was just standing there. I stared between the ball and then at Javaad. I was sorta getting distracted by how good Javaad looked in his short sleeved shirt. I swear he wore these tight fitting shirts just to make me even more sexually frustrated around him than I normally was.

            “Come at me,” Javaad said with a smile.

            I giggled. “Just… Come at you? Like…?”

            “Run towards me with the soccer ball and try to get it past me,” Javaad explained, his smile not leaving his face.

            I looked down at the soccer ball. “Okay…” I did as he told me to and before I knew it, he’d stolen the soccer ball from me. I spun around, confused as to what just happened. “How did you do that?!”

            Javaad laughed and kicked it back at me. “Try again.”

            I pretended to pout my lips and looked back down at the soccer ball that I’d managed to stop with my feet. I giggled and picked up in my hands and tried to run around him.

            “Hey!” he laughed and caught me at my side. I squealed and started laughing. He picked me up and spun me around. I dropped the soccer ball but he didn’t let me down. He slung me over his shoulder.

            “Javaad!” I laughed and he ran around his yard and to the trampoline. He was literally holding me like I weighed nothing. He set me down and I climbed inside, him following after me.

            “That’s not how you play soccer,” Javaad laughed, pulling me to sit down across from him. He looked at me and I shrugged and felt myself giggling still. We were quiet for a little bit. “Gosh Darce, aren’t you cold?” He rubbed both my arms up and down with his hands and I smiled, looking down at my lap.

            “Nope, I don’t get cold.” I shrugged a little bit and looked up at him, closing my lips.

            “Well I’m a bit cold now… did you want to give me a hug to warm me up?” Javaad turned his head a little bit and smiled at me. I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck. His wrapped around my waist and I don’t think I had ever been happier than I was just then in my entire life. I pressed my nose into the side of his neck and slightly smelled his cologne. I literally could not believe I was hugging the hottest guy on the face of the planet.

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