Chapter 13

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ahhhhhhhhh i finally uploaded!!!! sorry, i know a lot of you are impatient, but i don't write this story as much as i should, but i finished this chapter just now, so i hope you like it :) i won't ramble and let you readddd :)


            I walked into my first period class, keeping my head down. Uncle Louis was my English teacher. He already had us write an essay on the book we were assigned to read over the summer, and to be honest, it was a terrible book. I quickly sat down in my desk and crossed my legs. I glanced over at Uncle Louis sitting at his desk. He was shuffling through some papers that were haphazardly thrown around his messy desk.

            The bell went off and some kids ran in, making it just on time. Uncle Louis looked up at them and gave them a sort of disapproving look. They all sat down and we waited for the lesson to start.

            “So I’m giving you back your essays today, if I can find them…” He reached into his messenger bag and pulled out a manila folder. “Here they are.”

            He stood up and started handing them out. I played with my fingers and a paper appeared on my desk. I looked up at Uncle Louis who wiggled his eyebrows at me. I couldn’t help but giggle a little bit. I turned over my paper and exhaled. He’d thankfully given me an A-.

            “Most of you did well. Others obviously didn’t read the book.”

            I heard a couple guys in the back of the classroom start to snicker. I sighed and carefully put my paper in my binder for this class.

            “So we’re going to be startingThe Great Gatsby next which I think is a much better book than the one you wrote this essay on. So while you go over what mistakes you may have made in your essay me and… Emma will hand out books.”

            I looked up at Uncle Louis who motioned me over to the side of the room where a big pile of books sat in a cardboard box.

            “You know Leo doesn’t stop talking about you,” Uncle Louis whispered to me as he handed me a couple books.

            “Really?” I looked up at him and he nodded.

            “It’s always, ‘Dad, I’m going out with Emma today.’ All the time.”

            I felt myself blushing as I handed the books out and walked back to Uncle Louis who handed me a couple more.

            “It gets quite annoying…” he chuckled a little bit and I turned back around to hand out even more books. I walked back to him. “What do your parents think? Your dad is probably freaking out, right?”

            I sighed and stood still with the four books in my hand. “He’s just so protective over us. It’s annoying.” I went to hand out the books and went back to gather more from Uncle Louis.

            “He’s just looking out for you, love. How is your father?”

            I stopped and brought my voice down. “He and Mom are literally so annoying. I can’t even walk into their room at night.” Uncle Louis laughed and smiled down at me. “And I think they’re thinking about having another kid, but nothing is for sure. Dad told me and he was like, ‘we’re not really sure yet.’ And I mean, I would love another brother or sister. That’d be awesome, but I don’t know if Mom is getting too old or anything.”

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