Chapter 12

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hey everyone :) sorry i haven't uploaded this story in a while... merp. i've actually had a lot of homework and stuff that i had to do, so yeah. Well i hope you enjoy this chapter :) the next one will probably be sometime in the middle of their sophomore year. yeah. i skip a lot, and idk how long this story is gonna end up being... so yeah. um... ENJOY <3


            The beginning of August came way too quickly and it was almost the end of summer. I’d really done nothing too productive. Javaad continued to try to teach me how to play soccer and I continued to fail at trying. I went to his house a lot over the summer so far. We went into his pool a lot since it was so hot out all the time.

            Emma was a bit more social now that her ankle was better. She was hanging out with her friends and also Leo while I would text Javaad all day, every day. That was how I found out that Emma and I had been invited to a big party that some girl in our grade was having. Apparently it was all over Facebook, but my dad told me that I was only allowed to be on my laptop for a couple hours a day, which actually sucked because what else was I supposed to do on the days Javaad couldn’t hang out?

             One day in particular, my dad took me out with him, just the two of us, in order to get me out of the house. Javaad and his family were on vacation so I’d been spending the past few days in the family room watching marathons of Pretty Little Liars and One Tree Hill.

            “Where are we going?” I asked as my dad drove down the main street away from town.

            “I’m not sure, what did you want to do?”

            I shrugged. “Can we do anything?”

            “Yep, it’s your choice. Just something outside.”

            I looked out my window, thinking. “Let’s go mini golfing,” I suggested, looking over at my dad. He smiled and nodded.

            “Let’s go,” he agreed, leaning forward a little bit and making a quick – and illegal – U-turn in the middle of the street and started back towards town. I laughed and my dad sped up a little bit, but slowed down.

            Turns out the closest mini golf place was three towns over, so the car ride was longer than we originally expected it to be. I put the radio on and the song “Brown Eyed Girl” by Van Morrison came on one of my dad’s CDs that he kept in the radio.

            I looked over at him and smiled. This was my favorite song ever since I was little. It reminded me of my dad because he would always have it in his car, and whenever I went anywhere with him, I would beg him to put it on. I used to pretend that I was on American Idol when I was little and I would sing the entire song word for word in my bedroom, pretending the judges were there. It was the first song I actually learned all the words to.

            “Hey where did we go?/ Days when the rains came/ down in the hollow/ playing a new game/ laughing and a running hey, hey/ skipping and a jumping/ in the misty morning fog with/ our hearts a thumpin’ and you/ my brown eyed girl/ you my brown eyed girl…” I was laughing as I remembered all the lyrics, singing obnoxiously loudly with my dad. He was a great singer though, which makes sense because he used to be in the biggest band in the world. “Do you remember when we used to sing/ Sha la la la la la la la la la la te da…”

My Heart's Song (Sequel to Forever and Always)Where stories live. Discover now