Dami: So, everyone has decided that you failed your dare so now you get a punishment!
Yaku: When did that become a thing?
Dami: It was always a thing, but people always did their dare or truth so.... *shrugs*
Yaku: *sighs* What is my punishment?
Dami: That's not for me to decide.... *smiles mischievously*
Yaku: Then who chooses my punishment?
Dami: Welllllllll, that would be Lev. Lev chooses your punishment....
Yaku: WHAT?!?! Why can't you just stab me instead?
Dami: He's literally your boyfriend the worst punishment he could give you is for you to finally admit that you like him. *starts to text Lev*
Yaku: He's not my boyfriend! *is blushing*
Dami: You were literally making out with him the other day! Don't give me that bullshit. *sighs*
Yaku: You have no proof of that
Dami: You were wearing my shirt camera. It's been recorded. I could always just go back to the file... *starts pulling out laptop*
Yaku: No no no!! That's not needed! *stops Dami from grabbing laptop*
Dami: That's what i thought!
-Lev has arrived-
Lev: *walks in Yaku's room* Hey guys!
Dami: Finally!! *pulls out a camera and a tripod and sets it up* You need to give Yaku a punishment.
Lev: *nearly chokes on air* E-excuse me?
Yaku: I apparently failed a dare and I need to have a stupid punishment and you get to choose it. *is pouting*
Dami: Stop pouting and get over it. *sighs* Alright Lev, you can literally make Yaku do anything as a punishment!
Lev: Hmmm, oh I have an idea! But I need Dami's help with it! *whispers something to Dami*
Dami: *smiles brightly* Oh! I have exactly what you need! *reaches in bag searching for something*
Yaku: *is very nervous* W-what are you guys plotting?
Dami: *smiles and pulls out a maid outfit* Oh nothing! But you're gonna have to wear this!
Yaku: WHAT?!?!? *is literally yelling* YOU CHOSE A MAID OUTFIT OUT OF ALL THINGS??
Dami: It could have been worse he could have chosen a cat maid outfit, you're lucky he settled for a regular one. *shrugs and hands Yaku the maid dress* Now quit complaining and go put it on.
Lev: Sorry Yaku... *is smiling like crazy but is hiding it*
Yaku: *mumbles to himself and goes in the bathroom to change*
-Small time skip-
Yaku: *sighs and walks out of the bathroom with the maid outfit on* I feel violated...
Dami: *smiles and starts recording* You look cute!!
Lev: *is blushing so much* I-I...
Dami: Look what you did Yaku, you broke Lev! *pokes Lev*
Yaku: I didn't do anything! *is blushing*
Dami: I'm in a room with two gay messes... * sighs*
Lev: *clears throat* Hey uh Dami, do you mind sending me the...video after you leave? *is still blushing like mad*
Dami: I- I don't even want to know... *sighs* But I guess I'll send it to you.
Yaku: Wh-what why?!? *is genuinely nervous*
Dami: It's not like he's gonna do anything too terrible with the video...
Yaku: What are you implying by that?
Dami:...that- that's for your imagination. I don't even want to know what he's using the video for.
Lev: *hasn't took his eyes off of Yaku since he put the maid outfit on*
Dami: *is getting uncomfortable* Sooo, I guess that's my cue to leave so uh, yeah bye! *teleports away*
You guys should give me more truths and dares! I ran out :)