Truth: Oikawa, what is the worst thing you've ever hid from Iwaizumi?
Dami: That's a very interesting question.
Oikawa: I do not feel comfortable answering that question. *is already nervous*
Iwaizumi: *literally appears out of no where* I would actually like to know this answer to this question.
Oikawa: Now I'm definitely not going to answer this question now that he's here.
Dami: You know he's going to find out sooner or later.
Oikawa: And I choose later! *tries to leave*
Iwaizumi: *grabs him before he can leave*
Dami: You're not getting out of this Oikawa. It's truth and no one can get out of answering these.
Iwaizumi: Exactly, I would know. Dami never lets me get out of doing it.
Oikawa: *sighs* I am not answering this question.
Dami: Then you can't leave until you do.
Oikawa: I guess we're going to be here for a while then, cause I'm not answering the question. *is sitting like a child who doesn't get what they want*
Dami: *sighs* He's going to be the death of me.
Iwaizumi: Try being his friend since he was a child...
Oikawa: I can hear both of you!
Dami: We know!
-Literally two hours later-
Dami: Oh my god! Oikawa just answer the damn question! I want to go home. *is really annoyed*
Oikawa: Well then maybe you should just let me leave! I'm not answering the question.
Dami: *sighs* I'm not letting you leave, you have to answer the question. That is why people give Truths and Dares.
Iwaizumi: Oikawa, I don't know if this will help or not. But no matter what you tell me, I won't hate you for it. We've been friends long enough to where we shouldn't have any secrets between eachother. It's not like I'm going to hate you and leave you forever.
Oikawa: But how do I know if that's true? No one knows this about me at all. You might hate me after this and I don't want to lose you as a friend.
Iwaizumi: You shouldn't be afraid to tell me anything. No matter how bad it is, I won't hate you. Unless you did something very illegal. But other than that, you shouldn't be afraid. You won't lose me as a friend.
Oikawa: You can always say that, but I don't know if it's true. If I tell you, there's no guarantee that you won't hate me.
Iwaizumi: Oikawa, I know you're afraid but I promise that I will not hate you. You are my best friend and I couldn't hate you over a secret.
Oikawa: *sighs* Okay, if I tell you, you promise not to hate me?
Iwaizumi: I promise. I won't break that promise, trust me.
Dami: *is just relieved that he's finally going to answer the question*
Oikawa: *takes a deep breath* Okay, I-I'm b-bisexual and I kinda had a crush on you for a while now. But I completely understand if you don't feel the same way. I'm not expecting you to like me back and I'm not telling you have to- *gets cut off by Iwaizumi kissing him*
Dami: Oh? That was unexpected...
Iwaizumi: *pulls away from the kiss* I told you I wouldn't hate you and I feel the exact same way about you Oikawa.
Oikawa: *is in shock and is blushing like mad* I-I don't know what to say...
Iwaizumi: I think I have something to say. *grabs Oikawa's hands* Oikawa, will you be my boyfriend?
Oikawa: *forgot how to use words and just nods his head very quickly*
Dami: I knew you guys would date eventually. *is happy that they're together* But I'm tired so I'm going to leave now.
Okay so I like making a few chapters a little serious and not just happy all the time. I feel like it's a good thing to touch some sensitive topics. I mean I definitely hit close to home with this chapter. I was afraid to come out to my best friend but it ended up perfectly fine.
While we're on the topic of coming out. Don't be ashamed of who you are. I mean it's pride month! Take pride in who you are, wether you are closeted or not. I also know coming out is not easy and if you feel unsafe coming out to certain people please remember you don't have to come out to them. When you feel ready to tell people you will know.
Anyways, stay safe everyone and its a little late but Happy Pride!!