Dare: Hinata has to kiss Tsukishima in front of Kageyama.
Dami: Oh no...
Hinata: W H A T
Dami: They love to see you kiss everyone apparently... *shrugs*
HInata: I can't kiss Stingyshima! He's mean and annoying
Dami: I hate to disagree but you have to...it's a dare and I have to make sure you commit. *mumbles to self* Although this is one of my favorite ships...
Hinata: B-but....I can't. Kageyama will literally kill someone! *gives me the puppy dog eyes* Please don't make me do this!!
Dami: I'm sorry but I have to! I'll make sure Kageyama doesn't kill anyone, after all this is over I'll explain to him that it was a dare. I'll also have to explain that to Tsukki afterwards too...
Hinata: Dami, I can't! This is worse than losing a volleyball match, I could die! *panics*
Dami: Hinata calm down! *grabs his shoulders* you won't die I promise.
Hinata: *takes a deep breath* okay fine, When do I have to do this?
Dami: Maybe at Tsukki's house since you guys go there to study?
Hinata: *sighs* Fineeeeee
- Time Skip-
Tsukki: Why are they going with us? *motions to Dami*
Dami: I need to get more pictures for my...collage?
Tsukki: I don't believe that but okay
- At Tsukki's house-
Hinata: *whispers to Dami* how do i do this?
Dami: *shrugs and whispers back* I don't know just grab him and kiss him?
Hinata: *nods and sighs* Hey uh Tsukishima?
Tsukki: Hm? *looks at Hinata*
Hinata: *takes a deep breath and makes sure Kageyama is looking* Can you close your eyes for a second?
Tsukki: *is confused* Why?
Hinata: Just do it! Please...
Tsukki: Okay? *closes eyes*
Dami: *is recording the whole thing*
Hinata: *takes a deep breath and grabs Tsukishima's face and kisses him*
Tsukishima: *is surprised and pushes him away* What the fuck?
Kageyama: *doesn't say a word just gets up and leaves the room*
Hinata: *gets up and chases after Kageyama* Kageyama wait! I can explain.
Dami: Well I gotta go so bye! *gets up and follows Hinata*
comment more truths and dares for the characters! And please stop tormenting Hinata! Choose another character like a side character or someone from another team! Like Terushima or something idk!