Truth: Oikawa, have you ever touched Iwaizumi's biceps?
Oikawa: Oh! All the time!! *smiles proudly*
Dami: Maybe you shouldn't state that so loudly...
Oikawa: Why is that? Iwa loves when I touch his bi- *gets cut off by Dami*
Dami: Turn around Oikawa *points behind him*
Oikawa: *turns around slowly* Oh! H-hey Iwa-Chan!
Iwa: What were you about to say? *raises his eyebrows*
Oikawa: U-uh I was gonna s-say how much I l-love you! *smiles nervously*
Iwa: Yeah that's what I thought *smiles and walks up to Oikawa and kisses his cheek*
Dami: You didn't answer the question Oikawa... *smiles mischievously*
Iwa: I don't think he should...
Dami: You might be able to scare your boyfriend but we all know you're a big softie so you don't scare me at all *shrugs*
Oikawa: Let me answer the question, sometimes I do! Now let's go! *grabs Iwa's hand and leads him away*
Dami: I can't believe he's actually afraid of him *teleports home*
I am so sorry I have not been updating! I've been going through so much and college is actually kicking my ass!I am soooo sorry