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Dare: Akaashi, kiss Bokuto.


Dami: I have got to get this on video! *gets camera ready*

Akaashi: Let's just get this over with... *sighs*

Dami: Before I start, since you seem perfectly okay with the dare, are you and Bokuto dating? *is actually very curious*

Akaashi: Yes, I've been dating him since he was a second year. *nods and doesn't really care*

Dami: Oh that's cool! *teleports them to Bokuto's house*

Akaashi: I forgot you could teleport...

Dami: Yeah, I practice magic in my spare time *knocks on Bokuto's door and starts recording*

Bokuto: *opens door and instantly sounds excited* Hey Dami! Hey Akaashi! What're you guys doing- *gets cut off by Akaashi kissing him*

Dami: I thought you were going to wait until we got inside the house?

Bokuto: *is very surprised but kisses back anyway*

Akaashi: *pulls away* He's my boyfriend. You didn't specify when to kiss him. *then kisses Bokuto again*

Dami: I-okay...*teleports away*


Hope you guys enjoyed!!

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