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Dare: I dare Tsukki to burn all of his dino plushies.


Tsukki: n o

Dami: Do you want to face a punishment? *smiles, getting their camera out*

Tsukki: ...no

Dami: Then burn your plushies. *sets up camera*

Tsukki: How about I burn all of your plushies instead?

Dami: How about you leave the room, and I burn everything in here?  *smiles*

Tsukki: *is offeded* Uh no.

Dami: Then no you may not burn my plushies. Now do the dare, or face the punishment. *sighs*

Tsukki: *sighs* What would the punishment be?

Dami: Heh...um.. you have to be nice to Kageyama all day... *takes a step away from Tsukishima*

Tsukki: w h a t

Dami: They knew you were going to refuse the dare so...they already had a punishment planned. *takes more steps away from him*

Tsukki: I guess...I'll do the dare... *goes to his bed and grabs one of his plushies*

Yama: *walks out of Tsukki's bathroom* Wow he's doing the dare?

Dami: *gets scared by Yama* What the fuck?! When did you get here?

Yama: I was in the bathroom *shrugs* I've been here since last night

Dami: You scared the living shi- wait you spent the night?

Yama: *nods* Yeah we watched a movie.

Tsukki: *gets a lighter out of his drawer* Do not question why I have this.

Dami: a r s o n

Yama: Dami no-

Dami: y e s

Tsukki: *ignores Dami and just before he sets the dino plush on fire pulls the lighter away* I can't do it

Dami: Then lets get on with the punishment...

Tsukki: I thought you controlled these, can't you over rule the punishment and give me another one?

Dami: If they gave me a specific punishment, I do that one. I can't over rule it. *shrugs* Sorry bro

Tsukki: *sighs like the big baby he is* This is possibly the worst day of my life

Dami: Good! Now I need you to text Kags and invite him to hang out with us! *smiles*

Tsukk: Why can't you text him? *looks annoyed*

Dami: Because you have to be nice to him. I don't have to be nice! *smiles* Now text him or burn your dino plusheis.

Tsukki: *scoffs and pulls out his phone*

The messages between Kags and Tsukki
Tsukki: Hey, do you want to hang out with me, Yamaguchi, and Dami?

Kageyama: Why are you texting me?

Tsukki: Do you want to hang out or not?

Kageyama: ...I guess. Where are we meeting?

Tsukki: My house? Dami is suggesting a movie night.

Kageyama: Okay i'll be there in 5 minutes

Tsukki: *sighs* I hated that

Dami: But is he coming over to hang out? *is setting up a camera*

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