Dare: I dare Hinata to jump on a trampoline
Dami: This should be fun *sighs thinking about how to catch him safely*
Hinata: I've never had a trampoline before! They sound fun
Dami: With how high you can jump I don't think you would need a trampoline *gets camera ready*
Hinata: But if I use a trampoline, I could jump to space!
Dami: I wouldn't doubt it. We're going to have Kageyama with us so if you do jump to high he can catch you.
Hinata: Okay!!
-Teleports to get a trampoline with Kageyama with us-
Hinata: This is going to be so fun! *is already slightly bouncing on the trampoline*
Kageyama: This is going to end horribly...
Dami: Yeah probably *starts recording* Alright Hinata, jump as high as you can!
Hinata: Okay! *starts to jump higher and higher*
Kageyama: *is already calling an ambulance just in case*
Dami: *whispering to self* Please don't break any bones...
Hinata: *keeps jumping higher each time* This is fun!
Dami: He's going to break something and then Kageyama is going to kill me and so will Suga...
Hinata: *is starting to go higher than the trees*
Kageyama: I already have an ambulance ready for him
Dami: Okay good, we might need one soon anyway. *sighs of relief*
Hinata: *is jumping really high the camera can barely see him anymore*
Dami: Uh I don't think the camera can see him anymore... *trying to zoom in on the camera to see Hinata*
Kageyama: The ambulance is on its way now...
Dami: Yeah I think that's
Hinata: *is no longer on the camera, he jumped too high*
Dami: Uh...not to alarm you. But where the fuck did Hinata go? *trying to zoom on camera to find him*
Kageyama: I have no clue. Where the hell did he go?
Dami: I think the ambulance needs to hurry up a little...
Where the fuck did Hinata go?