
470 19 15

Dare: I dare Yaku to not show any emotions for one day.


Dami: Oh, so basically be Tsukishima for one day without the insults. *searches through their bag for a tiny shirt camera*

Yaku: Seems easy enough. But what if Lev thinks I'm angry at him? *is kind of worried*

Dami: Since when did you start caring what Lev thinks? *gasps and turns around* Is someone catching feelings??

Yaku: *blushes* W-what? No! I don't have feelings for him...

Dami: Mhmm sure. You just keep telling yourself that. *laughs and hooks the camera on to Yaku's shirt*

Yaku: You can be really annoying sometimes

Dami: Aww thanks! I know. *makes sure the camera is connected to their laptop* Alright, I'm gonna teleport you to the school and you better do the dare. *smiles* Okay?

Yaku: *sighs* Okay, let's get this over with.

Dami: That's the spirit! *teleports Yaku to the school*

Yaku: Strange child... *starts walking to the gym*

Kuroo: Oh hey Yaku! How are things? *starts walking next to Yaku with Kenma following along*

Yaku: *shows absolutely no emotion* It's been fine...

Kuroo: *is concerned* You okay?

Kenma: *doesn't show it but is actually worried*

Yaku: Yeah I'm fine. *shrugs*

Kuroo: You sure? You're acting...different

Yaku: I'm not acting different this is the same old me. *walks away from them*

Kuroo: He's acting strange

Kenma: Yeah I know *is still focused on his game*

Kuroo: *sighs and grabs Kenma's game* You're not getting this back until our lunch.

-Time Skip to lunch-

Lev: *runs up to Yaku* Yaku-San! Do you want to have lunch together?

Yaku: *actually wants to be alone today but sighs* I guess so...

Lev: *notices something is off about Yaku but ignores* Okay! Follow me! I know a great place to eat!

Yaku: Could you slow down a little? You're walking too fast

Lev: I'm not walking fast you just have shorter legs then me! *smiles*

Yaku: *is angry about the short comment but doesn't show it* Shut up Lev...

Lev: *is confused as to why Yaku didn't hit him* We can eat here *drags Yaku to a small table in the courtyard*

Yaku: *sits across from Lev at the table still not showing any emotion*

Lev: So, do you want to hang out after school today? *smiles while shoveling food into his mouth*

Yaku: *shrugs* Sure, but why?

Lev: Because I want to spend more time with you! *smiles* We only hang out when everyone else is around! It would be nice for it to just be us two!

Yaku: *moves his hand to cover part of his face to not show his blush* Oh...okay

Lev: Oh! I made my own lunch today and I want you to try some! I think it tastes really good this time! *picks up some of the food with his fork holding it out for Yaku to try* (I have a headcanon that Lev is a really good cook)

Yaku: I don't want to try some of your food Lev...

Lev: Please! I think it tastes really good and I want someone else's opinion on it. *is still holding out the fork for Yaku*

Yaku: *sighs* Fine, I'll try some. *takes the fork out of Lev's hand and tries the food*

Lev: Soooo, is it good?! *is excited for an answer*

Yaku: *is actually kind of surprised that it tastes good but doesn't show it* It's not bad... *hands the fork back to Lev*

Lev: Yay!

-Time Skip to end of the day-

Lev: *is already waiting for Yaku at the school gates*

Yaku: *completely forgot that he agreed to hang out with Lev today* Hey Lev

Lev: Hi Yaku! So, I figured out what we can do today! *smiles brightly*

Yaku: *is kinda scared* Okay...what is it?

Lev: We can go to my place and order takeout and watch movies all night! You can even spend the night if you want to! *smiles happily*

Yaku: *sighs in relief* Yeah that sounds good. We can do that.

Kuroo: *walking past them* Awww the couple is going to hang out tonight! How adorable! *laughs*

Yaku: *covers his blush with his sleeve* Shut up Kuroo.

Kuroo: Aww don't be so shy Yaku! Here's a reminder, remember to use protection! *laughs and walks away*

Yaku: *isn't supposed to show emotion but wants to punch kuroo into another  dimension*

Lev: What is Kuroo talking about ? *is genuinely curious*

Yaku: *doesn't want to ruin his innocence* He's just saying don't eat too many...snacks? *continues following Lev to his house*

Lev: Why would we need protection for snacks?

Yaku: How about we talk about something else? *desperately wants to change the subject*

Lev: Okay! What movie do you want to watch when we get to my house?

-Time Skip to them being at Lev's house-

Yaku: *sits down on Lev's bed with his back against the headboard*

Lev: *lays down on the bed where his head is resting on Yaku's lap* So, should I order a pizza?

Yaku: *shrugs* I guess, I don't care what pizza you get though.

Lev: Or, we could do something else? *smiles mischievously*

Yaku: *covers his face with his hand to hide his blush* L-like what?

Lev: *turns to where both of his arms are on either side of Yaku* Something like this... *leans up and kisses Yaku*

Dami: *cuts the camera off* Yeah I don't want to know what's going to happen next...

Yaku: *kisses back almost immediately, moving his arms to rest on Lev's shoulders*


So, did Yaku fail the dare?

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