Truth: Tanaka, Who would save from a burning building? Nishinoya or Kiyoko?
Dami: *isn't even able to say anything before Tanaka starts talking*Tanaka: Are they in the same building? Or is it two different buildings?
Dami: Let's just say for right now that it's the same building... *gets camera ready to record*
Tanaka: *is deep in thought* I would go into the building find Kiyoko and pick her up and the find Noya and carry both of them out...because I'm strong enough to carry both!
Dami: I feel like Noya would be too stubborn to die so quickly... *shrugs*
Tanaka: Yeah true. But if they were in separate buildings i would save Kiyoko cause I'm pretty sure Noya would find a way out before I'm able to get there. *smiles*
Dami: That's fair. It makes sense. I feel like Kiyoko is smart enough to find her way out of the burning building too...
Tanaka: *nods* Yeah true true
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SO who wants to help me yeet my college professor?
I hate college
Also I just posted the first chapter of my Tsukihina book! It's called "I Hate You" you can find it on my account lol!