Truth: For Yamaguchi, Have you ever thought about Tsukishima as anything more than a friend?
Dami: This should be easy to answer after the last dare... *is already recording*
Yama: W-well, at first I saw him as a friend but over time I guess you can say he became more than that... *blushes*
Dami: Okay, but like when are you going to ask him out?
Yama: I-I don't think I can do that. I might pass out if I try..
Dami: It shouldn't be that hard, it's not like he's going to reject you. He clearly likes you back. He wouldn't have kissed you if he didn't like you.
Yama: I-it could have been out of pity...
Dami: You need to have more faith in yourself bro. It was not out of pity he likes you and that's all that matters!
Yama: I still don't think I would be able to ask him out...
Dami: You know what? That's okay...take your time.
This is kinda wholesome