Dare: Dares Kenma to cuddle Kuroo for at least 30 minutes
Kuroo: Oh so basically we just do what we always do!
Dami: What?
Kuroo: Wait, what did I say? *laughs nervously* Where's Kenma?
Kenma: Why am I here again?
Dami: You have a dare wi-
Kuroo: *cuts Dami off* You have to cuddle with me for 30 minutes!
Kenma: Oh okay...
Kuroo: *somehow magically makes a bed appear and jumps on it* Come on Kenma!
Dami: How did you... What?
Kuroo: We can't cuddle without a bed...
Dami: But how did you...nevermind
Kenma: Let's get this over with *gets on the bed with Kuroo and cuddles him*
They're basically laying, So Kuroo is behind Kenma with his arms around Kenma. Kenma is facing away from Kuroo while playing on his DS.
Dami: Why does this look so natural for you guys? *secretly takes a picture of them*
Kenma: We do this all the time... *not phased by everything he just said*
Dami: Wait what?
Kuroo: Told you! I wasn't lying *smiles proudly and nuzzles his face in Kenma's hair*
Dami: *takes another picture* Okay... well then I'll just leave you two to do whatever. BUT keep it PG. I'm looking at you Kuroo!
Kuroo: I would never hurt this precious child! I'm offended that you think that!
Dami: Mhmm sure... *leaves*