Dare: Oikawa, tell Ushijima that you're joining Shiratorizawa
Dami: Ha!
Oikawa: I am not going to do that!
Dami: It's not like you have to actually join his team
Oikawa: But I can't lie! That's messed up!
Dami: *sighs* You've been lying about your sexuality for years, I think you can pull this off.
Oikawa: *scoffs* I don't lie about my sexuality!
Dami: Really? Are you gay?
Oikawa: *goes quiet*...no
Dami: *sighs* Liesssssss!
Oikawa: I'm not lying! I'm straight!
Dami: Oh shut up! Let's just go to Shiratorizawa so you can do your dare... *gets the camera ready.
- Teleports to Shiratorizawa -
Oikawa: I really don't want to do this...
Dami: So I think I've only talked to Ushijima once so he may not remember me but Tendou might remember me!
Oikawa: Oh god....
Dami: *walks in to the Shiratorizawa gym" Hey Tendou!
Tendou: Hey Dami! Long time no see! *instantly remembers who Dami is*
Dami: Where's Ushijima? My friend needs to speak to him...*gestures to Oikawa*
Tendou: Why is Oikawa here?
Dami: I can't tell you why all you need to know is that he needs to talk to Ushijima.
Tendou: Okayy, he's over there! *points to Ushijima*
Dami: Thanks! *drags Oikawa towards Ushijima* USHIJIMA! Oikawa needs to tell you something! *starts recording*
Oikawa: No I don't
Dami: Yes you do *jabs Oikawa's side" Say it.
Oikawa: *sighs* I have de-decided that I want to j-join *takes a deep breath* your team.
Ushijima: Okay, practice starts now then *grabs Oikawas arm and drags him away*
Dami: Oops...