Dare: I dare Suga to throw icepacks at everyone and yell at the top of his lungs 'safety first'.
Dami: This is going to be interesting to record. But if an ice pack hits me it's going to come flying back at you. That's just a quick heads up for you. *gives a thumbs up*
Suga: Don't worry I won't aim for you. I mostly want to hit Hinata since he's the most clumsy on the team.
Dami: You do know you are throwing ice packs, right?
Suga: Yeah I know!
Dami: Well okay then. Let's go to the store and buy tons of ice packs!
-Teleports to the gym with a whole cooler full of ice packs-
Dami: Okay so you know the drill by now, I don't need to explain what to do. *gets camera ready*
Suga: Yep! This is going to be fun!
Dami: The fact that you are finding joy in throwing ice packs at your teammates worry me. But go have fun! *starts recording*
Suga: *walks into the gym carrying the cooler with him*
Daichi: Hey Suga! What is that? *points to the cooler*
Suga: You'll see...*smiles evilly*
Daichi: Okayyy then. So I'm going to go and hide. While you do what you have planned...*literally runs to go hide in the storage room*
Suga: *takes a deep breath and grabs a few ice packs and starts randomly throwing them* SAFETY FIRST KIDS!!!!
Tanaka: Suga-San what the heck?!?! *dodges an icepack and the ice pack ends up hitting Hinata instead*
Yachi: *hiding behind Kiyoko* Is Suga okay?
Kiyoko: I'm not sure...
Hinata: *who has been hit by another icepack and is now laying on the floor* Ow...why did he throw an ice pack at me?
Noya: *is currently trying to catch every single ice pack flying his way*
Asahi: *is running around the gym in a panic and gets hit in his side with an ice pack, then falls to the floor like he has just been shot*
Tsukishima : *is the only one with common sense and moves out of the way of the war zone*
Yamaguchi: *all ice packs are avoiding him cause precious bean*
Ennoshita: *sighs and just sits down watching the chaos unfold*
Narita and Kinoshita: *is lying on the floor after being hit by an ice pack*
Dami: *zooms in on the chaos*
Kageyama: *has been hit by only one icepack and is still standing*
Tanaka: *not sure if he's dead or not*
Suga: *runs out of ice packs to throw* Remember safety first kids!!
Ukai and Takeda: *walks into the gym* W-what happened here?
Suga: Safety!
Ennoshita: Chaos.
Daichi: *walks out of the storage room* Suga, why did you throw icepacks at our team?
Suga: Because safety Daichi that's why!
Daichi: *pokes Tanaka with his foot* Is he even alive?
Suga: Not sure. *shrugs*
He may have gone a little crazy...
RIP Tanaka