Truth: For every team, Have you ever betted on someone's relationship in Karasuno?
Dami: This should be fun.
Makki: Oh most definitely. Mattsun and I betted on the tall one with glasses and the freckled one. I won the bet too! *smiles proudly*
Mattsun: I thought Freckles was going to be too shy to be in a relationship with Glasses. *is still salty about the bet*
Kuroo: Bokuto and I have been betting on Daichi and Suga as soon as we met them. Bokuto won.
Bokuto: Kuroo thought Daichi was straight for the longest time!
Dami: How could you think he was straight?
Kuroo: In my defense, we had just met them! I didn't know anything about his personality.
Kenma: I also had a bet with Bokuto. He lost. We were betting on how long it would take for Asahi to start dating Nishinoya...
Dami: This just gets better and better!
Tendou: I had a bet with Ushiwaka that Daichi and Suga were definitely dating. And I won!!
Dami: Of course you did.
This chapter is wayy too short but oh well.
For the last dare I will be making a part 2 for it, it's just gonna be awhile till I post the part 2 cause I need to sit down and write it.