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Dare- Hinata, randomly out of no where make out with kageyama.


Lex: This should be fun...

Hinata: Okay first i'm forced to kiss the grand king, and now I have to kiss Kageyama!

Lex: It's not my fault, everyone wants to see the innocent person not be so innocent...heh sorry *shrugs*

*Noya appears randomly*

Noya: The gays have arrived... well the gay has arrived. Tanaka was busy.

Lex: I never even said your name

Noya: Okay and your point?

Lex: *sighs* I give up

Hinata: When and how am I supposed to do...that with Kageyama?

Lex: For once I'm out of ideas *puts hands up in surrender* I give up

Noya: I have an idea! You can wait until after practice today and tell Kageyama that you have something important to tell him and bring him somewhere private and then just kiss him. Lex and I will obviously be there hiding to make sure you do the dare.

Lex: That was wayyy too long of an explanation for me to listen, but yeah do whatever he said.

Hinata: Okay! I'll try to do my best!

-Time Skip to after practice-

*Lex and Noya hiding in a bush behind the school*

Lex: Are they here yet?

Noya: Not yet....Oh wait! Here they come!

Kageyama: What did you want to tell me?

Hinata: Um...could you close your eyes...please?

Kageyama: Why?

Hinata: Just do it! It will make this a a lot easier...

Kageyama: Okay fine... *closes eyes* Now what did you want to say?

Hinata: *takes a deep breath and stands on the tips of his toes and kisses Kageyama*

Kageyama: *without hesitation, kisses back*

Lex:*whispers* Oh...well that was unexpected

Noya: *in tears* yeah... this is so beautiful

Lex: are- are you crying?

Noya: *wipes tears away* no...

Lex: Okay sureeeeeeeeeee

Okay so this is the last chapter I'm writing with my name as Lex in the book. I go by a different name now. Everything in this book will stay the same except the characters will be addressing me as Dami instead of Lex.

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