Dare: Tsukki, smile for 10 minutes straight in front of the team.
Dami: Perfect dare! *gets camera ready*
Tsukki: That's physically impossible for anyone to do...
Dami: *points at Hinata* He's able to do it everyday
Tsukki: It's probably a fake smile
Dami: Whether it's fake or not, if he's able to do it so are you. *smiles and starts recording*
Tsukki: *sighs and gives a fake half smile* Is that good?
Dami: If you hold it for 10 minutes then yes.
Tsukki: Ugh *goes to practice and everyone is already looking at him confused*
Hinata: *whispers to Kageyama* Why is he smiling? It's creepy
Kags: *shrugs*
Yamaguchi: *doesn't even care that Tsukki is smiling and just keeps carrying on with practice*
Tanaka: *is confused and creeped out by Tsukki smiling but ignores it*
Noya: *instantly confronts Tsukki* Why are you smiling? Finally lost your virgi- *gets cut off by Asahi covering his mouth*
Asahi: Maybe you shouldn't finish that question... *laughs nervously and drags Noya away*
Daichi: He's probably smiling because Dami is sitting over there holding a camera. *points over at Dami*
Dami: *waves at Daichi*
-10 Minutes Later-
Tsukki: Can I stop now? *walks over to Dami*
Dami: Yep! I got all the footage I needed! *teleports away*
Why Noya why?