Dare: I dare Yamaguchi to make Tsukki blush
Yamaguchi: How am I supposed to do that?
Dami: I actually don't know...
-Tanaka and Noya randomly appear-
Tanaka and Noya: The Gays have arrived!
Dami: Finally! You guys have been slacking recently
Tanaka: We had to study for exams so we had to dial our gay down a little
Dami: How is that possible for Noya?
Noya: It wasn't! So I studied at Asahi's house *smiles*
Dami: Okay, back to Yamaguchi's dare. He needs help on what to do make Tsukki blush.
Tanaka: But Yamaguchi is already adorable all he has to do is smile and anyone within a 12 mile radius will blush
Yamaguchi: W-what? *blushes*
Noya: I agree he's already cute enough to make anyone blush
Dami: Okay but he still needs to do something, the only person blushing right now is Yamaguchi *points at Yamaguchi*
Noya: Okay okay fine, um maybe invite him to your house for a movie night, then get his favorite snacks and his favorite movies then during the movie lean on his shoulder and he should blush.
Dami: That's a good idea, and plus I owe him strawberry shortcake for his last dare...
Yamaguchi: Okay, let's go get everything set up
- Has everything set up and is at Yamaguchi's house-
Dami: Okay so I can't stay here or Tsukki is definitely going to think something is up. So I'll just use a hidden camera that's connected to my laptop but please don't make out. I don't want to watch that. *is already setting up hidden cameras everywhere*
Yamaguchi: I-I'm not going to make out with him! *makes sure that Jurassic Park is set up on the tv*
Dami: Yeah sure, last time someone said that, they ended up making out that night...so just make sure the camera is covered if you guys are going to make out.
Yamaguchi: *sighs* Okay okay. Tsukki is almost here so you better leave now. *gets the snacks ready*
Dami: Okay *thumbs up* Remember the plan?
Yamaguchi: Yeah I do! *smiles*
Dami: Okay then, goodbye now *teleports home*
Tsukki: Hey *walks in Yamaguchi's room*
Yamaguchi: Hi Tsukki! *smiles at him* I set up Jurassic Park on the TV, so we can watch it!
Tsukki: *is already blushing because Yamaguchi is naturally adorable* Okay cool. *sits down on his bed*
Yamaguchi: I also heard Dami owed you some strawberry shortcake so I have some on the table *smiles and turns the lights off and goes to sit next to Tsukki on the bed*
Tsukki: Yeah they owe me cake for doing the last dare... *takes the strawberry cake while Yamaguchi starts the movie*
- Time Skip to the gay shit-
Yamaguchi: *makes sure that Tsukki is invested in the movie and casually lays his head on his shoulder*
Tsukki: *while blushing shifts his body so he has his arms around Yamaguchi instead*
Yamaguchi: *is blushing like mad*
Dami, Tanaka and Noya: *all watching what's happening on Dami's laptop*
Dami: This is even better than what we originally planned...
Noya and Tanaka: *crying* They grow up so fast!
Dami: *is kinda weirded out* A-are you guys gonna be okay?
Tsukishima and Yamaguchi's relationship makes my heart happy