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Dare: I dare Akaashi to tell Bokuto that owls don't exist.


Dami: I want to know how he's going to react *shrugs*

Akaashi: *literally has a pet owl sitting on his shoulder* How am I supposed to explain that they don't exist when I have one as a pet?

Dami: Maybe try to convince him that it's a different animal? I'm not sure...

Akaashi: *sighs* Okay I'll text him to come over. Can you hold him for a second? *doesn't even let Dami answer just attempts to give them the owl to hold*

Dami: I- wait hold on *is letting the owl stand on their arm very awkwardly* This is uncomfortable...

Akaashi:  *shrugs and texts Bokuto to come over* 

Dami: *gets scared when the owl starts to fly towards his perch and sits on it* I thought he was going to attack me *sighs in relief*

Akaashi: He doesn't attack unless he feels unsafe or if you're hurting me *sits on his bed*

Dami: What's his name? *sits on the chair at his desk*

Akaashi: His name is Percy. 

-Time Skip to when Bokuto gets here-

Bokuto: *walks in to Akaashi's room* Hey Akaashi! Hey Dami! *walks over the owl and pats his head* Hi Percyyy

Akaashi: *stands up and walks towards Bokuto* I need to tell you something important...

Bokuto: *gets serious* What's wrong?

Dami: *starts recording*

Akaashi: *sighs* Owl's don't exist

Bokuto: What? Then how would explain that? *points to Percy*

Akaashi: That's not an owl...that's a...fish? *had no idea what to say*

Bokuto: Fish need water to live 

Akaashi: That one can breathe on land 

Bokuto: Akaashi, are you joking? *isn't buying it*

Akaashi: Would I ever lie to you Bokuto? *sighs softly*

Bokuto: So, you're telling me. That's not an owl and you have a fish that can breathe out of water? *is actually confused*

Akaashi: ...yes 

Bokuto: But doesn't our team stand for owls?

Akaashi: They made up an animal to make is less confusing...

Bokuto: How the heck did you afford a fish that can breathe on land?

Akaashi: It was a birthday present...

Bokuto: *sighs and sits on the bed* My whole life has been a lie...

Dami: *internally* Are you serious?

Akaashi: *sits down next to Bokuto* It's okay...no one told you... *can't believe that Bokuto is actually believing him*


Have any of you ever felt like you just don't want to exist for awhile? Like I kinda just want to not exist at the moment

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