Dare: I dare Iwa-Chan to be nice to Oikawa for a day.
Iwa: Absolutely not.
Oikawa: Why not?!
Lex: They're asking you to be nice not go on a date with him.
Oikawa: Yeah, even though dating me would not be bad.
Iwa: ...
Lex: Oikawa be quiet, you're making this harder on you.
Oikawa: Rude
Iwa: I'm not doing the dare
Lex: You have to, it's a dare.
Iwa: No
Lex: I'll tell your mom
Iwa: What is she going to do?
Lex: I'll tell her to take all your Godzilla stuff away, including plushies, pillow cases, blankets, clothes, any merchandise of Godzilla.
Iwa: You wouldn't dare...
Lex: try me
Iwa: Fine, it's only for a day, right?
Lex: Yep!
-And so the torture begins-
Oikawa: *walking beside Iwa* I love you Iwa-Chan
Iwa: I hat-
Lex: *clears throat from beside them*
Iwa: I don't hate you... *grumbles*
Oikawa: *smiles* I like this dare!
Iwa: Just wait until this dare is over and I wi-
Lex: Must I remind you what power I have over you Iwaizumi.
Iwa: *grumbles to himself*
Oikawa: Today is going to be a great day! You get to spend the whole day with me Iwa-Chan! Isn't that great?
Iwa: Yeah soooo great...
Lex: I can feel the sarcasm radiating off of you
Iwa: Shut up
Oikawa: Iwa-Chan, do you love me?
Iwa: I'm not answering that...
Lex: Oof
Oikawa: Iwa-Channnn pleaseeee
Iwa: The dare said to be nice not to answer all your questions.
Lex: If you don't answer his question it is also considered rude
Iwa: I hate you Lex
Lex: Love you too
Oikawa: Now answer my question Iwa-Chan
Iwa: *sighs* maybe...
Oikawa: I'll take that answer for now *smiles mischievously*
~At Practice~
Mattsun: So why is iwaizumi being nice...to Oikawa?
Makki: I have no clue...but we need to record it
Mattsun: I think Lex is already taking care of that
Makki: Now I suddenly know why he's being nice...it was probably a dare
Mattsun: That makes a lot more sense
Lex: *records Iwaizumi from a distance*
Makki: Lets get some more angles for her *pulls out a camera*
Mattsun: Okay *pulls out his camera and starts recording*
~Time Skip~
Iwa: *on the bleachers drinking some water* I'm sick of being a decent person to him, he's constantly doing things to where I'll be nice
Lex: Calm down it's only until you walk him home and then you don't have to be nice until tomorrow morning. But most of this dare depends on what Oikawa does or says...
Iwa: I have to what now?
Lex: You need to walk him home, but that should be normal for you, you do it everyday, right?
Iwa: How did you know I did that?
Lex: ... I have my sources
Iwa: *sighs* fine, okay I'll walk him home if that's the thing that ends the dare *stands up to go finish practice*
Lex: I really hope Oikawa doesn't ask Iwa to spend the night...
~ End of practice ~
Oikawa: Iwa~Chan! Hurry up I want to go home!
Iwa: I'm coming I'm coming...
Lex: I also have to come because...yeah
Oikawa: Okay!
Iwa: Well lets go. *walks out of the gym*
Oikawa: So Iwa~Chan...how did I do at practice today? *smiles*
Iwa: You did fine...
Oikawa: You think so? I think my serve was a bit off
Iwa: I think you did fine, your serves were fine.
Oikawa: Whatever you say Iwa~Chan!
*awkward and tense silence*
Lex: ... well wasn't practice fun? Mattsun and Makki helped me get some great angles for my recordings... *laughs awkwardly*
Oikawa: I think Makki got too close for comfort... if you know what I mean.
Iwa: What do you mean by too close?
Oikawa: He was just standing really close to me with the camera shoved in my face. It was hard to concentrate.
Iwa: *mumbles something to himself*
Oikawa: Iwa~Chan what are you saying?
Iwa: Not-
Lex: You have to give a proper answer Iwaizumi
Iwa: *sighs* I was just saying that I'm going to make sure Makki doesn't do that again.
*finally makes it to Oikawa's place*
Lex: *sighs* finally
Iwa: Well we're here so I'll see you tom-
Oikawa: Can you spend the night at my house Iwa~Chan? *smiles, knowing exactly what he's doing*
Iwa: What? *looks between me and oikawa*
Lex: I should have expected this to happen... *sighs*
Oikawa: I want you to spend the night at my house and plus it's really late. I don't want you to walk home alone.
Iwa: I still have to make sure she gets home safely, so I won't be alone. *points at Lex*
Lex: I'm not that weak...
Oikawa: She can spend the night too. I'm sure my parents won't mind. *smiles*
Iwa: *looks at lex and mouths* help
Lex: I honestly can't do anything about this. He wants you to stay and since you have to be nice you have to stay the night. I'll be here so he doesn't make you do anything...bad.
Iwa: *sighs in defeat* fine I'll stay the night.
Oikawa: Yay! It'll be so much fun! You're staying too right Lex?
Lex: Yeah I'm staying too.
Iwa: *groans and follows us both inside*
Lex: This should be fun...