Dare: I dare Yama and Tsukki to switch roles for a day without the team's knowledge. (Yama acts mean and Tsukki has to act nice)
Dami: This is going to be very interesting.
Tsukki: I am not doing that
Dami: You have to, you don't have a choice
Tsukki: I can't look at Hinata or the King and be nice! That's impossible
Dami: That's what makes it better *smiles*
Yama: I don't know if I'll be able to act mean
Dami: Just be sarcastic, we both know that deep down Tsukki loves Hina and Kags
Tsukki: You disgust me *scoffs*
Dami: I know! *gets camera ready and teleports them to the Karasuno gym*
Tsukki: This is stupid...
Dami: The dare starts when I turn this camera on so you better fix that attitude now. *smiles* Ready Yama?
Yama: *trying to act like Tsukki* W-whatever...
Dami: That's good enough for me! *starts recording* Now go in there and do the things!
-Yama and Tsukki walk in the gym-
Hinata: *runs up to Yama and Tsukki* Hi guys!
Yama: *shrugs and walks away*
Tsukki: Hi Hinata... *tries not to die and walks away*
Hinata: w h a t
Tanaka: *appears out of nowhere* Something seems different...
Hinata: Yeah, Tsukki TALKED to me and Yamaguchi ignored me? *is very confused*
Daichi: *walks up behind them* I think I know who's behind this...
Noya: *not caring about how they're acting and runs up to Tsukki and Yama* GUYS! Are you sick?
Tsukki and Yama: *both looking at Noya confused*
Noya: You are not acting normal!
Tsukki: We're not sick
Yama: Maybe you're the sick one *says sarcastically*
Noya: *is offended* I don't like this! *walks away from them*
Yama: *stutters* Ha, the s-shortie got o-offended.
Tsukki: *is genuinely enjoying the way Yama is acting*
Daichi: *is talking to Noya* Let me try speaking to them. Tsukishima doesn't talk back to me so this should work... *walks over to them* Okay, why are you acting like this?
Yama: Acting like what?
Tsukki: We're being normal
Daichi: Mhm sure *rolls his eyes and walks away*
-Time Skip to day over-
Tsukki: *at Tsukkis house* I hated that
Yama: I didn't like being mean to people...
Dami: It was pretty funny to me, and I got it all recorded! *smiles*
Tsukki: I liked when you were being mean. It was hot... *smirks*
Yama: *blushes* W-what?
Dami: I'm not here to feel lonely so goodbye *teleports away*
I just started my freshman year of college a day ago and I already have so much homework. But I will try to get more chapters written when I have time so I can give you guys more content.
Thanks for being so patient though!