Dare: I dare Yamaguchi to tell Tsukki he doesn't want to be friends with him anymore.
Dami: Y I K E S
Yama: I can't do that! Before I met everyone else he was my only friend!
Dami: Relax. We can tell him that it was a dare afterwards. Everything will be fine.
Yama: *takes a deep breath* I still don't think I'm going to be able to do it.
Dami: It's going to be fine. But because he insults me whenever he sees me I'm going to use a hidden camera and I'll be watching from home. *is already setting up hidden cameras everywhere*
Yama: Yeah I think that's the best thing to do. *texts Tsukki to come over*
Dami: Yeah. Are you going to be okay until he gets here? *is genuinely concerned about him*
Yama: Yeah, I'll be fine. I think it will be nice to clear my head until he gets here. *sighs*
Dami: Alright, well I'm gonna go now! But remember I'm always watching...*teleports away*
Yama: That will forever and always be creepy...
-Time Skip-
Tsukki: *walks into Yama's room and looks around* Oh thank god. Dami isn't here for once. *sighs in relief*
Dami: *is watching on the camera and is genuinely offended once again*
Yama: Yeah, h-he's not here. I-I actually need to tell you something. *takes a deep breath*
Tsukki: *sits down next to Yama on his bed* What is it?
Yama: I-I do-don't want t-to be f-friends with you an-anymore... *is literally shaking*
Tsukki: If you are trying to tell me that you have a crush on me, I already know that. Yamaguchi we've been dating for like 3 months...*makes Yama lay down with him and cuddles him*
Yama: *mumbles to self* Not what I meant but this works too...*smiles and relaxes in Tsukki's arms*
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If it works it works
Hope you enjoyed!!